CHAPTER 4 - _ " Mindful Flowerfield" _

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Author's Note: First of all, apologies for my painfully extended hiatus. This is largely a passion project, and I previously fell out with SAMS 5 months ago, and have just recently began watching the series again. Since the last chapter, my writing abilities have improved and therefore I'm not too pleased by my former writing style. My writing may be different than prior. Again, thank you for your patience.



"Computer, is Sun still alive?" I demand.

I begin to pace-- Had Sun been targeted by another being? No one they were aware of who may have had a grudge against them besides Eclipse was currently alive with magic.
I feel my heart bump up to my throat. Ironic, despite not having a heart. Had Eclipse attacked Sun?

"Evidence shows Sun is still present, although slowly moving away from current location. Magic barrier is currently down."

Dammit! I couldn't enter my mindscape now, not with Sun loose. Who knows what he would do?

"Where is he headed?" I question, fiddling with my hands anxiously.

"All signs suggest that Sun is headed towards bunker shown on the map."

I inspect the screen, sighing, "That one? Great." I grumble sarcastically, "Ill go there myself. If it's anything like before, Sun doesn't know what he's doing."



I wander through what appears to be a virdescent, emerald forest. Life appears at every seam.
But I couldn't appreciate it-- not while Eclipse was still alive and breathing.
As I trek through, using a built-in google-map inside my head, along with a more necessary approximate bunker location, I feel the dampness of the biome.
The condensation was beginning to build up and would slowly rust my gears, if I knew anything about water to metal. However, I wouldn't be here long- so it shouldn't be a problem.
It still fascinated and thoroughly frustrated me at once how Moon managed to build bunkers in every country. For all I knew, Eclipse could be hiding in the last bunker I searched, with my luck.
As the forest curves into a bare field, I pause as I recognize the familiar sight of flowers- though I wouldn't usually stop for any means, I did particularly enjoy the thought of flowers as a travelling companion, even if inanimate.
I crouch down, my gears making a slight, almost invisible clicking sound that I could barely process myself- intaking the scent of the calming flowers.
I pluck one from the ground, its stem a minty green with its sharp, bluebell petals circling around its center.
I observe it momentarily before laying it to rest on the ground. I can feel an undescribable pain prick at my heart for seemingly no apparent reason.
Was it really worth it to end Eclipse's life? I was just so tired and I-'


It was too late at this point even if I wanted to turn back. Lunar hates me,  Moon thinks Im crazy-
It wasn't worth the trip. I had gone too far to stop now.
For just a few moments, I just sit there blankly, my thoughts weaving around me, threatening to silence me eternally.
And then I stand up, blankly, tiredly, as I once more continue on to the bunker, beginning to once more feel the fire in my veins as I recall the things Eclipse had done to me and my family.
The things I would do to Eclipse - especially with these newfound abilities?

Eclipse would never hurt anyone again.


I grumble; my new form, previously Solar Flare, was performing nicely. Despite the little amount of time I had been given to create it, I had to admire the work I had put into it, even if other certain characters believed otherwise. Others might call me egotistical or self-centered, but I believe that I deserved to congratulate myself at least for this.
I wondered where Killcode and Bloodmoon were. Bloodmoon was probably out murdering a few lame civilians, that I knew, but I didn't know much about Killcode.
I hadn't much idea where the animatronic would be. In some way, this secretiveness-- Inability to detect changes in Killcode or predict them was, in an idea, slightly intimidating.
Sure, Moon might be smart, but he's also predictable. I could always be one step ahead of him, every slight word he slips out when he thinks its safe would longer in my mind, always plotting.
Sun was no doubt in my mind the least probable person to find anything that could be remotely useful to the cause. In fact, it was almost embarrassing. Little poor sunshine! I chuckle. When that animatronic could grow a backbone, I would be beyond the grave, and I always come back.
I sigh, before turning back to the computer. I had enough resources here as necessary, so I could work from here. I also happened to be safer.
So, with that in mind, I could easily manipulate the two.. weak-minded ones, and trick them, though Killcode might need more pleasing.
Right, now to planning.
I wouldn't be a useless tool for long.

with end credits: 861

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