CHAPTER 5 _- "Early Confrontation" -_

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I finally arrive at the bunker, heaving and gasping with exhaustion as I finally take a moment to catch my breath.
Once amply prepared, I straighten, before beginning to glance around for the entrance. Supposedly, there was supposed to be an entrance near -
I grin, finding the entrance quickly and without much trouble. I head inside, making sure to not cause too much noise, in case Eclipse was actually here.
I came across the maze Moon had created as a precaution in case someone decided to invade one of the million bunkers he had set up.
I breathe a sigh, scanning the layout of the bunker which I had engrained into my systems for easy entrance and exit, especially since Moon tended to create the most elaborate traps.
I make a right turn, letting out a relieved sigh that I hadn't been blown to bits, feeling the metal press obnoxiously against me, the vent painfully cramped. Why would Moon even build this? It would barely even fit him.
I sigh, beginning to make my way through the maze again, making corners, lefts, rights..
Just five more minutes of this..

Aha~ A solution found to mend one of the main problems I had - going undetected by Moon as I approached him in my Solar Flare form.
Previously, I was scarcely able to use Solar Flare's voice or a lot of their functions properly, due to their fight against me, but with them now being silenced with this device..
They wouldn't be a bother anymore.
I try and reach for the back of my head, before groaning as I couldn't reach it, and instead simply activate the eyes I had implanted in the back of my head. Cool, I know. I was better than Moon, after all.
I stick the device into the back of my head, encased by a plating that covered my essential wires. I wasn't an idiot like Sun and Moon or my 'father'. Putting essential wires on the back of my head with no protection would be an easy way to get myself killed..
Suddenly, I hear a strange noise. I pause, looking to the direction of where I heard it before returning to my work. It was probably nothing.
As I continue to scan through my code, making sure Solar Flare didn't edit anything, I hear another noise, much louder this time, almost comparable to a loud crash.
I whip around, and see the metallic golden rays shining in my view, the familiar expression of a certain person who I never expected to show up, a little sunny, oh .... I'll stop playing.

"Well, well, Sun," The speaker echoes above as I echo my voice through its system, "I didn't expect to see you here..~"

I narrow my eyes, cocky asshole.

"Tell me where the HELL you are, now." I clench my fists, my fierce gaze practically burning the room.

"Why? Hmm? Are you a little angry, little Sunny?" He chuckles.

Fury burned in my chest, and I turn towards the rusted, crimson and ginger robot, the words Solar Flare engrained sharply on their chest.

"You, tell me where Eclipse is or I'll slit you from head to toe!" I snap.

The robot's eyes dart to mine as it tilts its head, "Eclipse is the computer." It says.

"You better not be lying." I stomp towards the computer, eyes locking with it. I can hear the crackle of a voice attempting to rise, but immediately silence it with a fist, bringing it down hard on the computer, smashing it to bits.

"Now," I turn back to Solar Flare, "Give me one damn reason I shouldn't kill you."

"Computer, any updates?" I call out loud. I had previously sort of given a sort of radio communications that I could use to communicate with the computer effectively while I was out headed to the bunker. I was almost there, but I worried I would be too late.

"No updates.. Wait.." The computer's voice cracks and sizzles under the radio's audio. I had made this in an extremely short period, and I frankly had no time to tweak it for better audio quality.

"What do you mean, wait?" I snap, stopping in my tracks as I await an answer from the computer, "Computer, answer me."

"It is.. Energy growing rapidly from the bunker you're investigating." The computer finally explains.

"MAGICAL energy? Or something else?" I ask.

"It is.. Magical energy, yes."

Shit. Fucking hell. I curse to myself as I speed up my pace, "Is there a way you could get me there faster?"

"Well, you could use the teleporter you made a little while back to teleport instantaneously to the bunker." The computer suggests.

"Wait, I had a teleporter?" I snap, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask. I was going to ask, but you seemed very.. intent on walking." It responds coolly.

"Smartass," I curse under my breath, "Well then teleport me, now!"



+end credits : 846 words

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