Setting up

43 3 14

I wake up, I felt tired and didn't want to get up, but I forced myself up anyway. I would do the same things I've been doing since I got here, which was wash my face, put make up on, then my wig on.

I went to my kitchen to see what I had to eat, sorta forgot I had cereal so I grabbed the milk from the fridge then closed it. Then I went to grab the cereal and a bowl. Very glad there was plates and stuff already here.

I finish eating a few minutes later, putting the bowl in the sink and giving it a little rinse. I go back to my room and grab my phone. While I'm in there I don't change my shirt since I kind of already put my makeup and wig, and I didn't want to risk messing it up. I cannot think this morning or something, geez. I keep the same shirt as yesterday and just changed the pants for some jeans that were flared.

When I finished getting dressed, I feel my watch beep. I lift my arm and put it in front of me to check the watch. Uhm, how does this thing work? I tap it with my finger, and a message appears, but it's projecting above the screen and it looks like a sign, if that makes sense. I read it, it says there's been an attack on the town and that two heroes are needed.

Well I don't think they plan on sending me at the moment, I don't have a suit or anything yet. I just leave my apartment room, at the same time I see someone a few rooms ahead getting out of his as well. He'd run to the elevator, seeming to get impatient with waiting, I rush to him since I might as well get in the same one.

When the elevator comes we both get in. "So, are you going to the town?" I ask him.

"Yeah, and some other dude."

We get to the floor he needed to be at, and he leaves, giving a small wave. Oh, I didn't ask for his name, but I'm pretty sure its toolshed, I swear I'm not guessing... Okay maybe I am a bit, but I've heard his name on the news and stuff so like, yeah.

I wait a bit, the elevator goes up again. I decided to head up to the see how long it takes from down to all the way up, it only took maybe like, not even a minute, wow. I wonder how fast it must be going?

I step out when I get here, and go up the stairs like last time, opening it's door and walking out. This was a nice place to chill, for me at least.

I would sit down at the edge again, letting my mind wander. If I find out what else is at the last floor, then I can explode it. But I'll need to figure out a quick way out right after. Maybe if I can make my lightening timed? Like I could- oh I could make a small bomb, no wait, I'd have to head to the lair.

Maybe I'll just make the thing explode then... Oh, hey! They must still have some of those teleportation things that Mysterion used to bring me here. Well I don't know how to use it though-

"What are you doing up here?"


I send a lightening bolt towards the voice, just missing them.

"Woah- calm down-"

I calm down - not because I was told or anything. - It had just been Mysterion, he sits down beside me, his legs hanging over the edge as well.

"Oh... Sorry-" not sorry, ahah I'm so funny. I was looking down when I had spoken out loud, I must've let out a snicker because he then asked-

"What's funny?"

I look up to him awkwardly.

"Huh? Oh uhm! Nothing! Ahah..."

I make a nervous and short laugh, then I look back down towards my legs again after. Geez, I gotta stop doing stuff like that or something.

"Alright. Well what are you doing up here anyway?"

I glance at him then away, then fully look at him.

"Just, thinking and chilling I guess."

"Oh, okay. Uhm, are you liking it here so far?"

"Yeah, it's nice here!"

Free food is nice, am I right or am I right???

"Good, good.." He looks to the side then back at me.

"Oh, hey, how come you aren't going down to South Park. Like, I got some message about, like, an attack?"

"Oh yeah, well Toolshed and Human Kite beat me to it so that's why I'm still here."

"Oh, okay then."

We stay silent for a while. I didn't know if I liked it or didn't. I was about to get up but Mysterion speaks again.

"What we're you doing last night?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"I heard you like get back in at midnight, and I'm just curious."

What do I say??? I just needed some fresh air- no wait but I have a balcony... Uhm-



I just stared at him a blankly, zoned out.

"Okay never mind then."

Oh that was easy, guess doing that works for me.

"I'm gonna go, cya later?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Alright bye."

He pats my head before getting up and leaving, when he opens the door and leaves, I'm left with myself to talk to. Wait why did he pat my head? Whatever, it doesn't really matter.

Oh right, I have training. Oops. I'll go check that out I guess. I get up and leave, going the way I came.

A minute or so later I'm at the gym, well it's what I'll call it I guess. I look around, somehow I feel anxious. I see someone that looks like.. A bug. You know what, I'll just go ask him how this works! Yeah, that should be good.

I walk up to him, he was more at the end of the room, on the right.

"Excuse me?"

He turns around, he had some type of cone thing on his nose. Okay then...


His voice sounds a bit funny, I mean, like when you pitch your nose to make your voice sound silly, you know?

"Hii... Uh, for training, and stuff. Does it matter what time you come in?"

"Oh, yeah. We all have a time that we need to be here, well the heroes do."

"Uh, okay. How do I set that up?"

He walks over towards the left side, not getting far when he turns to me and says to follow. We both walk to a table, on it is a paper.

"You can write down your name on this, then I can give it in to one of the trainers, instructors, you know- and uh, you would come at the time that you put. Usually you get a recommendation time."

"Well do you recommend anything?"

"What's your training?"

"Uh, like a lap around, then aim practice and like, yeah-"

"Maybe 7? Like get in the gym at 7AM."


I turn to the paper and write some things on it, then I hand it to him, like what else do I do with it?

"Okay, I'll send it in. And names Mosquito."


"Uh, cool. I don't have a superhero one or anything but mine is Marjorine."

"Okay cool. Well Im gonna get back to what I was doing."

He turns around and walks back to his, station? Yeah sure, station. I look around awkwardly and leave the place. At least that's over with.

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