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It was late and everyone - or at least most people - went to go to sleep, only maybe a few people were up like medics, some of the scientists and others. It was around like 11, almost 12, so that's mostly why.

I went out of my room, dressed up as Marjorine just incase, I mean I need everything to go well till it all explodes I guess, right?

I'd fix my wig a bit as I walked down the hallway, I at least want to look a bit good, okay?

Once I head into the elevator I click on the very bottom and wait to go down. When it did and it reached the last floor, when the door opened it Dr. Timothy came in. I moved to the side and the doors closed again.

I didn't go out because it would be odd too, and I don't know if he would ask me why I would- wait why should I be worried right now? Whatever it doesn't matter now I guess because the doors already closed.

Dr. Timothy clicked the button that goes all the way up with his.. Telekinesis or something. Listen I'm not really sure anymore, I'm tired okay?

"What are you doing in the elevator this late? You should be getting some rest." He tells me with his... telepathicness I dunno.

What should I say? Uuhh...

"I- don't really remember what I came in here for.."

"Oh, well that happens sometimes. Anyway I do have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

"I've decided that tomorrow we can get you a hero name since you don't have a proper one yet."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, do you have an idea for one?"

"Uuhh..." I didn't really, "Maybe like, Lightening.. Or something.?"

"Hm, if you want we can make that happen."

I guess I'll say yes? What else could I make it to? Plus, it's not like it'll stay long.

"Uh yeah sure."

"Alright. Well, we can make a celebration for you tomorrow about it if you'd like."

A celebration? Oh that sounds nice.. No one usually makes celebrations for me.

"That would be nice, yes."


The elevator stops and the doors start to open.

"Well I'll make it happen, see you tomorrow Marjorine, and goodnight."

Dr. Timothy leaves the elevator, doors closed once after. I'm now alone.

Well, now I don't want to go with my plan- no wait, that's stupid.. Though I'll at least wait until after the celebration.. Don't want to miss out on that!

I'm back to my room, getting ready for bed and taking off my lazily ish down makeup off and my wig and get into the sheets. I close my eyes and after what feels like forever I fall asleep.

. . .

I look around me to see a black void, and nothing else. I walk forward a bit, a small light illuminating as I walk towards it.

I quicken my pace, letting the light glow and grow until it's all around me, and all I see.

It quickly changes to the outside. The outside of where Freedom pals is. Expect when I turn around it's not there, it's just... Crumbles of what the building used to be.

I turn back around only to see the other hero's that lived there, all looking at me, with disbelief and disappointment in their expressions.

"Why would you do that?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"We could've been friends."

"We thought you were better then that."

Their words, hurt. Why? I don't care, they don't even like me in the first place. It's not like it even mattered, yet that's not how it felt.

"That's not true. And you didn't even like me."

"But we did, you could've been better then this."

"You didn't have to do that."

"Maybe we should teach you a lesson."

"You know you can't escape what will happen."

What? What do they mean? Why do I feel scared? I can fight back, but it feels like something is holding me back..

I try moving but I couldn't, its like my feet were glued to the ground and my body was frozen.

Everything goes black again. This time I'm in a room... It looks almost like my room from when I was younger.

I had been sitting on the ground and got up, I was shorter and I could hear people talking downstairs, I think by the door. I couldn't see who my parents were talking to.

I hid back in my room, but now I wasn't controlling my body, just watching it seemed. I could hear people coming up the stairs, making me hide in my closet and going behind a few thing in there.

I could hear people talking, but I couldn't understand what they said, like as if it were a blur. It sounded like the they were rummaging through and around the room.

Soon they opened the closet door and—

. . .

I wake up, it seems to be morning by what the light that peaks out of my blinds tell me.

I feel like I had a dream but all I remember is just small bits like being outside and inside and there being people...

Oh hey, isn't there going to be a celebration? Oh jeez! I can't wait, I should get ready too.

Getting up I check my phone to see the time, it was only like 7:46, after that I head to the bathroom and start to get my makeup on and fix my wig for the day, when I'd be done that part I would get my outfit ready and on.

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