New outfit

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I was planning on heading back to my room, when I get another message on my watch, I check it. It says 'Hey Marjorine! I've gotten your outfit ready!' That fast? I guess that makes sense, from what I saw it wasn't too complicated.

I head to her area, walking in she greets me quickly.

"Hey girl! Come! I want you to try this on!"

She seems excited, unlike me. She goes to a room and grabs the clothes, then she goes to stand in front of a door, probably like a changing room or something. She waves me over, so I walk over there.

"Try these on, tell me if it fits."

I take the clothes from her arms and put them in mine. She opens the door for me and I walk in, then she closes it. When I finish changing into the outfit I look into the mirror that was in the little room, it didn't even look that bad.

It was just a simple teal tee with with a dark sage skirt and dark green cape, it would go around my neck like a scarf. I had brown gloves and black boots, but the boots weren't like just plain normal ones, I think they were combat boots.

"I guess this is fine.."

I mumble to myself, right after Bebe literally asks-

"How is it?"

"It's fine."

"Great! You'll be wearing that then, for most of the time."

I open the door and walk out, looking to her as well.


She had been leaning on the wall, and leans after when answering.

"Yup! So get comfortable."

She laughs lightly making me give a small chuckle.

"Does this mean I can leave orrr..?"

"If you want."

"Okay, I'm gonna go. Bye, Bebe!"

"Bye, Marjorine!"

She waved me goodbye happily, I give a small wave and walk out the door. Now what? My job!! How did I forget? I'll just message him quickly...

Hey, you know how Marjorine was supposed to replace me? Like I mean just take over my shift and stuff.

Yeah, did she tell you why she hasn't shown up? I can't get in contact since I never got any number from her.

Yeah, she says she was like, accepted in the Freedom Pals or something.

Seriously? Wow, didn't know that. Tell her I hope everything goes well with that job. When will you be back for work?

Like in three weeks. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner, some stuff came up.

Oh, hope everything is well. I'll see you in three weeks then!

Alright, see you.

I close my phone and put it away. Well, that was easier than I thought. Wait what time is it? I take my phone out again and check it, 3??? Wow, days sure go slow, what do people even do her-

Ding, is what I hear come from my watch. I raise my wrist towards me to see what it was this time. I get a message, the title being "HEROES NEEDED" and then some words. I might as well read it, it says, "Down in South Park, there has been an attack from a new villain, we need a few heroes to check on who this new villain is and what they do."

Oh, how interesting! I wonder where I'm supposed to meet? Oh, I guess I could ask Bebe since I'm here anyway. I open the door and peek into the room.

"Hey, Bebe? I got a message about some villain and that they need heroes or something. Where should I go if I want to help?"

Eugh, help?

"Oh, go on the 8th floor, when you get there, there'll be a room down the hall to the left that says "Meetings" On like a sign."

"Oh okay, thank you!"

I get to the elevator and step in, I click the 8th floor like she said and wait. When I get to the floor, I walk down the hall, going to the left, and I see the sign. I open the door nervously - why was I nervous? Whatever. - and look inside.

I saw some people already in, they were at a long table that had chairs, and all of them were sitting except for one of them, Call Girl.

"Oh hey, Marjorine! You here to help?"

"Uh, I'd like to, yes."

"Okay, come take a seat, I'm just about to start."

I do as she says, I take a seat at the back, in front of me was Tupperware, on the other side was Toolshed and Mysterion.

"Alright, so far all we know is how this enemy looks.."

I wonder if they do something like this when I'm attacking. Probably not, I mean it's only Mysterion that fights me, and if really needed, then like maybe one other hero.

"... And he has blaster powers."

Maybe I should focus on what they're saying.

"He also doesn't seem to strong. But we can't be sure."

Tupperware raises his hand, to ask a question. Wendy sees this and motions for him to speak.

"What about Professor Chaos?"

"All that he's done is just put lava at people's front doors. Nothing too extreme."

He nods and then Toolshed raises his hand, Call Girl tells him he can talk.

"You don't know where he is right now, do you?"

As soon as he says that, all of our watches ding. We all look at each other then to the watch, on it, it shows-

"New villain attacking South Park! Will the heroes be able to stop him?"

Well I guess that answers Toolsheds question. We all get up and rush to the door, I stayed sitting until everyone else was out the door, then I followed behind. We all rush to the top of the building.

"What are we doing up here?"


Mysterion says, he's getting ready to go down the zipline first. A zipline? I didn't know they had one. Wouldn't it be dangerous?

"Is it not dangerous?"

"We make sure it doesn't break and we strap ourselves in a safe way. Also it has this barrier that makes it difficult to break."

Call Girl makes sure Mysterion is strapped on well and sends him down. As he glides down Call Girl helps the other two get ready. Oh hamburgers, I don't know if I wanna do this-

"Come on, Marjorine! I gotta get you hooked on."

She finishes Tupperwares and let's him slide down. Then Toolshed stands on the end to get ready and I approach the zipline.

She helps me get it on, and after that Toolshed heads down as well. Call Girl starts doing hers too. after she finishes she looks in front of me at the zipline then tells me to go down.

I take a deep breathe then step off the edge, I start gliding down at a fast speed.

"Oh, hamburgers!!!"

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