There goes the neighbourhood

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A/N 1 I am going to give this chapter a trigger warning for drug references 

It has been a week since then and thankfully it has been largely quiet. Well quiet on the job front. It has been all hands on deck with wedding planning. The annoying thing is Buck and I can't agree on a date for it. Right now I am discussing it with him while we wait for a call.

"Look I want the wedding to happen as soon as possible as you never know what is going to happen," I stand my ground. I hate the idea that it might be too late if something happens.

"The issue is we all have to find time off," Buck responds as he glances at Bobby.

"I'm sure I can work something-," Before Bobby can continue he is cut off by the signal bell. At least it gives us time to think of something before we get back. After a few minutes, we made it to the scene. The annoying thing is dispatch advised us to wear hazmat gear as the victims were bleeding from their faces in a manner that would suggest a biohazard which means we will be using our hazmat suits. As soon as we round the corner we are met by who I assume to be the person that made the 911 call. The man looks unstable on his feet. As soon as I make the observation the man collapses. Luckily for him, Bobby moves quickly enough to catch him.

"Guys I've got this one. You check the others," Bobby gives his orders. As soon as we enter the garage we are met by a scene straight out of a horror movie. Blood is dripping from the victims' noses and eyes.

"LAFD. We are here to help," Eddie announces as we get to work.

"Ma'am can you tell me how you are feeling?" I ask. Instead of answering, she points finger guns at me.

"Any pain? Any headaches?" I catch Hen asking the victim that she is checking.

"I was pretty good until this happened," She responds. She seems a little out of it. Eddie makes a remark about the victim that he is checking.

"What is this? Ebola?" Buck asks. If this was Elola there would be more than just blood. I turn my attention to checking the vitals of my victim.

"Heart rate is elevated. Blood pressure is slightly decreased," I announce. Then it hits me. The weird behaviour and the blood. It's drug-related. I've never seen symptoms this bad before. I shrug it off as there is not much that I can do as a paramedic. I just need to get her stable enough to get to the hospital.

"BP's good here, Cap," Hen announces. After a minute of making sure that they are ok Hen speaks up.

"Have any of you been travelling overseas recently? Maybe in the last fourteen days?" Hen asks.

"No, we've just been jamming here," One of the victims confirms. I glance at the drum kit. The band's name is boldly printed on one of the drums.

"Mother plague. I guess you are leaning into your band's name. Guys check to see if there are any chemicals lying around. They might have been exposed to something," I order for good measure. With that, those who aren't tending to the victims get to work on looking for the cause.

"I'm seeing something I'd like to get exposed to," The victim that Eddie is looking after remarks.

"What are you talking about? He is wearing a spacesuit," The man who was waiting for us remarks in disgust. Eddie sighs. I can't blame him.

"Oh my god. They're still high," the man adds, confirming my suspicion. One of the victims snaps at him.

"Ok, ladies, what did you take?" Bobby asks so that we can get all of the information that we need.

"They were smoking it. I smelt it when I was here before," The man fills us in.

"Is that a crime officer?" One of the victims asks. The good thing for her is we are not police officers. Bobby shakes his head in disgust. It doesn't take long for Buck to find the thing that they were smoking.

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