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right now,

on this day,


I'm 62 D.C. 

For everyone reading who knows what D.C. number are, i'm sorry for you, no one deserve this and let me know if you need any help, i'm ready to talk to you and give you tips and cheer you up if thats what you need. 

And For eveyone who dosen't knows what D.C are, DC means Day clean. Those are the number of days someone who struggle with self harm in any kind of way resist to not do it. 

And to anyone reading this,

Who struggle with Self Harm,

I don't care if you're 1 or 10 days clean,

or even just 2 hours,
i'm so fucking proud of you, 

thats i'm crying right now.

I'm so fucking proud of you, okay? 

Maybe you don't feel strong, 

Maybe you don't want to be strong,

but you are.

And i'm so proud of you,

For everything you do in your life that you don't think you can do,

For every morning you get out of bed and do what you're supposed to do when you don't feel like it,
For every time you've survive an other night where you cry yourself to sleep,

For every time you've cut but put the razor down even if you wanted to continue,

For every time you've put a bandage over your wound to help them,

For every thing you do,

For every thing you've been through.
And for every thing you'll go through in the future.
I love you, and i'm proud of you.

*I'll publish the french version of this text*
*je vais publier la version en français ce ce texte dans le prochain "chapitre"*

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