The leave

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Leaving the EU has been quite a big talk in the UK for quite many years. People were upset about the too many immigrants and the EU's decision to many things. UK, himself, kind of agreed as he thought EU was quite a money addict and didn't really care about the country's themselves. However, all his friends, especially Portugal, were in it so he went along with it too.

He really didn't think any of his prime ministers would be able to make UK leave until he arrived...

February 1st 2019

"And by majority vote by the people, the UK officially has left the EU!"


UK couldn't believe it! Bojo (I mean Boris Johnson) had made the UK leave the EU.

Boris turned to him, "Oh yeah, you can collect your things tomorrow and you can visit your family at Hever today.. it's been a while no?"

Oh shit...

Uk had completely forgotten about how everyone would react, especially since most of Scotland said to stay in the EU.. he and England would probably have a huge fight about this.

And the rest of the European countries...


What was he gonna do....

~~time skip~~

"UK, shouldn't you not be drinking so much alcohol before you go to sleep, especially since you are going to Hever tomorrow to visit our family"


Royalist is UK's older brother, he died before UK was born and was killed by England in the Wars of the Roses (an English civil war); so yes, he does have a grudge on England (I mean who doesn't?) especially since England was his own father! After Royalist died, he became a ghost as his life ended too soon and his soul's desires were not fulfilled and he was not happy when he died. However, when UK was born, England practically neglected him and expected UK to be fit to be King. Royalist saw this and became the caretaker of UK. They both love each other very much (as brothers of course!) and UK sometimes wishes he hadn't died at all.

"So what!? It doesn't matter, my reputation is gone and now our family will be a mess and the rest of the European countries too!"

"You know they don't—"

"BUT THEY WILL!" interrupted UK, "I know the fucking will!"

Royalist placed a hand on UK's shoulder and pulled him closer, allowing him to spill out his feelings. Yes, he was drunk, but UK would usually let out all his feelings and fears when he is.

Tears slipped from his eyes, slowly making its way down his cheeks and sprinkling it on the floor.

"Why do I always have to be the Black Sheep of Europe.. why can't I always be with them.. why me? I guess it is karma for what I did huh?"


"You were manipulated by England, he told you that having an empire was right and told you by being cruel and mean, you would get far and have friends."

"I know, I was such a-"

"Uhh- you didn't let me finish..."

"The people who go through the most are the bravest people. God knows they will be able to complete the challenge and that's why they get it, you're not repaying back for your sins. You are proving you are strong."

FINISHED FIRST CHAPTER! ITS SO SHORT THOOOOO! There will probably be bigger chapters later!

Next I am probably gonna have the British Isles and their motherfucking drama🤪

Stay tuned😙

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