Maybe one family isn't there but we are... (Last part)

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UK stood there in the rain feeling the cold blister of drops fall onto him. Why did he say that? Now everyone knew.. everyone.

The book...

The book might have the answer! Yes, it must.

He ran back to the port literally jumping onto a speedboat, which was abandoned on the side of the coast, and rode across the channel. At least that's what he planned.

Sailing across the channel was not easy and most boats and trains were cancelled due to the storm. The waves rough and loomed high with the thunder and lightning adding an even more sinister appearance.

As you may have guessed already luck was not on UK's side and in the middle of utterly nowhere, a wave came up and snatched him down below.

The shock and the pressure was so much for him that he loomed down into eternal darkness.

UK's pov:

I woke up on a barren land and everything looked so different. The place didn't look like my country at all or France's and not really any other countries that I recall.

A man stood infront of me. He looked brave and strong and he seemed to have a red flower on his face. It really reminded me of the base of the English Rose. Maybe he could help?

I tried saying hello or making signals for him to just catch my attention but all he did was ignore me and go through me, just like I was a ghost...

I followed him immediately, I don't know why or how, my legs just seemed to carry me in the direction he went, like it was my destiny to see.

He started talking to some random man that has brown curly hair with a beard and moustache. I'm not going to lie it was quite a medieval look.

"King Henry, how will we manage to take the crown from the Plantagenets? They have so much power and a much bigger army and support than us?" the mysterious country or county asked.

I am guessing that the random man he was talking to was a king, King Henry. Damn now I felt bad for calling him random.

"Listen, Lancaster... no matter what, no matter how much the world is against us or against our decisions, what our fate lies will come to us because it is our destiny. And destiny is something which we need to live with, we can't throw it away and die because then you failed your true meaning in life.."

Something about what King Henry said stuck out to me. "Destiny is something which we need to live with" and that it is "your true meaning in life."

One thing Royalist always said was that there are many destinies in your life and each one you may think it is wrong or not fit for you but it is, it is what creates our true selves and giving us a meaning in life.

Leaving the EU was his destiny.

He needed to do it to change his life, his way of paths.

Maybe for 10-15 years we will regret.

But in the end, it would be a good decision.

Wait... wasn't he dying? Drowning? Before he didn't care anymore but now, he had a sudden urge to live,  to experience the life and path set out for him.

He wanted to live.

He needed to live.

He was going to live.


I woke up in a white room in a white bed, I was in the hospital and that meant...


Before I could process the rest of what happened, four worried figures came rushing towards me.


My kids. My beautiful lovely kids. How could I have ever thought of leaving them, my pride, joy and soul.

They all looked at me, seeming like they wanted, no, needed an explanation. I took a deep breath. Well, after all this, I definitely owed them one.

I explained to them my brother and father's arguments, how it made me act up and fill of rage. My su!cidal thoughts and how this pause in life made me realise that I needed to live up to my destiny and fate of life. If leaving the EU, was put on what I needed to do, I was going to do it.

"And we will support you.." New Zealand added,

"Yes," Canada agreed.

What wonderful boys I have, how understanding and caring they are. God, thank you for saving me and giving me a second chance.

No one's pov:

The book still gleamed at the bottom of the Channel with a ghostly figure that seem to be swirling over it. You may have recognised him as the one and only Royalist.

"This book makes you realise the truth in many people's life and your name is now written on, my beautiful baby brother. Its magical curse makes you obsessed however it can even help and set you free from your tortured soul.. It will lay here for now 'till the next one comes and let us hope it sets a soul free from the hate and detest and not from the actual world itself.."

This is the end of Brexit. This is a book to spread awareness of self harm and suicidal thoughts so that's why it's quite short. I used Brexit and this country human alternate universe as a way of spreading this. I hope you got a bit of enjoyment at the same time awareness because it's very serious. Remember if you are having any negative thoughts or need someone to talk to, you can always ask for help to a trusted person and if you don't feel like you have anybody , I'm here for you and I will be happy to talk to you.

I hope you have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in this beautiful world that we live in. Your fate is in your hands and there's always a path destined for you. Thank you❤️

(The Missing Kingdom book will be much longer and more story like so if you want something like that, I am starting to write it up.. THIS BOOK IS NOT RELATED AT ALL TO MY MAIN AU)

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