until he came

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i might be inconsistent in posting im sorry!no one's reading this anyways so I don't think it matters that much🤷‍♀️BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN ILL STOP POSTING🫣sorry if this chapter is inaccurate,i haven't watched s1 in a Long time😭And yes I did extra stuff for drama.

Aois pov (at the time when she was talking to tanjiro about her problems):

"I only passed final selection by luck.The mist hashira,who is only 14 was way more skilled than me and he's 2 years young than me..I'm a coward." Aoi explained,with a bland,upset look on her face. "Aoi san,don't say that about urself!Youre smart and very kind!Please start believing in yourself,everyone loves and cares for you." Tanjiro explained,with his normal happy grin. "AHH!I just realised inosuke and zenitsu are waiting for me to start their training.." The boy exclaimed while running. "Goodbye Aoi san!"

Aoi's black,silky hair blew in the wind as she spun around to look at Tanjiro,who had now ran off to his friends to make sure they weren't doing anything stupid. "..thank you tanjiro." aoi mumbled as she stared into the space where the joyful boy had once been.

The next day:

Aois life had been going well as she had been hanging out with genya shinazugawa, they had been best friends since she saw genya in his demon form,at first she freaked out and then understood.But had to promise not to tell just anyone.Throughout the span of 6 months,they got really close,like you could think they had been childhood friends.(Just a bit of backstory on that js so u know!)

"Remember to bring me those herbs okay idiot!" The blue butterfly girl playfully said to her bff "Yes yes..anything for none other than Queen Aoi Kanzaki!..even though she can be a pain in the ass sometimes!" Genya teased back.As genya disappeared into the forest ahead,Aoi went to hang up some laundry but overhead something..it was tanjiro and kanao.
She listened to the whole conversation and peaked a bit.She also peaked out to see Tanjiro trying to get her to make her own decisions.

By the end,she saw how Kanaos eyes lit up. Aoi was feeling annoyance,then jealousy and then guilt.Aoi thought, 'How could us,her sisters never get her like that but a boy does?Miss kanae and shinobu had done everything for her and she decides to awaken over a boy?!And of course it was Tanjiro Kamado,my first crush,the third person who finally understood me with shinobu and genya infront,but shinobu and I don't talk anymore and I do not see genya like that!'
'Wait what am I thinking about!Kanaos my sister,I love her!it's not her fault..!stupid aoi.I shouldn't be thinking about that.Kanae and shinobu would be happy to see kanao opening up.it's just me who's the problem.i need to move on from kamado.he's kanaos.even if I loved him first.I can't be selfish.this is the only person Kanaos connected with like that.yes!even if it hurts like hell.I'll do it for kanao.'

After that aoi avoided tanjiro and kanao,so she wouldn't get those horrible thoughts about her sister back.She truly loved kanao. It was only when Genya came back she went back to her normal self.And everyone picked up how she was being odd.Even the Hashiras and kamaboko squad even if they didn't pay much attention to her.And obviously genya.


"genya and aoi came out of nowhere!" dont care,they're besties in my heart🫶
ill be so real with u guys tho I don't care if u ship them romantically.
I don't mind who u ship aoi as long as it's legal.
I personally ship inoaoi,but idk if that's gonna be the main focus of this😭

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