not telling soul and the only friend i need.

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SORRY FOR NOT UPDATINGG!!this was inspired by lvvkocho on tiktok (her two pinned videos).idk if they had concealer in taisho era okay?just needed a scenario

Aois pov:
'Where did the all of my concealer go?"i sighed,after looking everywhere in my room for it. 'ah,maybe shinobu has it!'i thought to  myself,relieved,knowing no one else except shinobu really wears make up,i mean kanao only wears lipstick really.

i quickly hurried to shinobus room in my demon slayer uniform and my long hair,out of its usual pig tails,at my sides.

'Why does it smell like wisteria in here..' i ignored it anyways.when I opened the door I saw something no one should ever witness their sister doing.

"Shinobu..what are u doing to yourself.."i saw wisteria in a syringe which she was injecting into her right arm and my concealer next to her on her desk,which I assume is to cover up the bags under her eyes,telling me she hadn't slept much last night.she was looking straight at me.

"Aoi..close the door now." shinobu said in a nervous but serious tone.And i obeyed. "You're going to try ur best to forget what u saw and not tell anyone,alright?" She stated with a half sympathetic,half smiley face. "Shinobu why?"

i finally spoke out. "You'll get why soon.Just don't tell a soul.Promise?" shinobu managed out,in a serious tone. "..p-promise." i finally whispered out.

"Alright,I'll give your concealer back in a bit." "Okay..goodbye.."i said,trying to hide my anger."bye bye!"she answered back.

As i walked out i thought, 'why.why.why the fuck is she doing this and why the fuck did I stand there and allow her's going to kill her.' i slowly felt tears in my eyes and ran to my room before anyone saw and just silently cried into my pillow,while covering my mouth so I just made sure zenitsu couldn't hear..

When I saw everybody the next day I became more distant and less loud.I heard people talking about me,but I didn't care.I just cared about shinobu and what should I do.Tanjiro tried asking me about why I'm far away from everyone but I ignored him and walked the other way.Of course I felt bad but I was too focused on shinobu.

"You okay Ao?"i heard someone say ao so I knew it was genya,because he's the only person that calls me that. "Yeah." I couldn't ignore genya,he's my bestfriend. "You sure aoi?Do u think I haven't noticed how you've been know if  someone has said something bad about you,you can tell me and ill beat them to the pulp."I heard him say in an overprotective manner.I slightly smiled and turned to look up at him. "Yes gen." i said and hugged him and tried my best not to cry

'How could someone be so kind and caring to me?' i thought.

As genya hugged me back he joked, "Please go get a therapist,i can't handle being the most hottest person on this earth,being ur best friend AND therapist at the same time."i started smiling over my tears and sniffled. "Yeah,yeah whatever I know you love being my therapist and bestfriend..and idk about hottest person on this earth.."i joked back.

"WHATTTT!!Ao chan you're supposed to support me with these things!Thats what I see other besties doing!"Genya sarcastically said,acting offended. "Well to bad you're stuck with me now and my tears!" I shouted back at him while digging my face into his chest while my legs and arms were wrapped around him like a mad man.

"AO YOURE CHOKING ME WHY R U SO STRONG😭😭" genya managed out,acting like he was dying. "You're such a dramatic little boy!" I complained. "LITTLE??IF IM LITTLE YOURE THE SIZE OF A LITERAL MOUSE." He shouted back. "MOUSE?I SWEAR ILL KILL U OME DAY GEN!!" I screamed.

Genya is the only friend i need for now.


SORRY IF THIS IS A LITTLE SHORTTT!!I guess I'm happy with this chapter.Next chapter is going to be better (probably not but let's hope ok🤗)

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