two water breathers.

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ik i havent been updating and I'm sorry I'm so busy with school😭😭

Aois pov:
'Its 8pm.Nobody should really need me at this time.'I thought,in the butterfly mansion backgarden,I wasn't doing anything much,just getting ready to leave.

You see,ever since I saw shinobu i decided i can't sit around and be sorry for myself and cry about how weak I am.So ever since,later in the day,ive been training by myself.Ive already mastered all the water breathing forms,im just scared to use them.So I practice on dummies.Tonight though,im going to go practice on real demons.

'I need to first check if those 3 boys are in their beds though so they don't create any trouble..' The three boys I'm talking about are Tanjiro Kamado,Inosuke Hashibira and Zenitsu Agatsuma,well tanjiro is gonna try to stop it but will accidentally make it worse.

I did a last check before I left the mansion to the woods and I shouldn't encounter Shinobu or Kanao as they don't have any missions right now.I don't want them to see me.

As I was going further and further through the woods I realised it was way too quiet.Then I heard a twig snap.
Even though I didn't look among the shadows where they still thought I couldn't hear them,i knew it was a demon...
But I can't back down,not now.

"There's no use hiding.I know you're there,demon." I said,with my hand on my sword,ready to strike at any time.

"Ahaha!I didn't think you would realise,you look quite weak." The demon finally said,in a mocking tone.When the demon revealed itself,I realised it wasn't as strong as it put itself out to be,I could tell this one had killed a lot,but i highly doubt they beat someone stronger than a villager.

The demon tried to strike me,but I dodged and pushed it down to the floor causing me to sit on him. "You're not as strong as you sound."
My sword was up to his neck,but I felt something wrong so I jumped back and got in a fighting stance.

'This demon has a blood demon art.'
I thought,before the demon teleported to several places,making clones of itself.
"'re a rude one aren't you?!"
The demon sarcastically said,acting hurt.

The demon and his clones launched quickly at me,but when I tried to hit one,it faded away,like dust.
'So it's fake clones who try to trick me.This will be easy.'
"Water breathing,third form..flowing dance." I said as I striked all the clones,making them vanish and the demon panick,confused on how I figured it out so quick.

I knocked the demon down the floor and it laid on its stomach as I sat on its back.
"I've fought demonslayers before,very skilled ones actually,but none of them survived this bit." The demon spoke.

All of a sudden my vision went funny and then I saw three of the same demon.I squinted my eyes to realise the demon put a poison in the air (and there was actually only one) to make it seem like there was a demon art to me by blurring my vision,which would make me strike and strike air,thinking it was him and he would attack me when I got tired.But that's not how it went.

"How are you going to get passed this now?"
The demon said,as I stood there not moving.
" don't know this.But I work in the medical field,treating poisons.I know what to do to make it stop,and I recognise this.I now know you are the demon that poisoned so many of my deceased patients.I know how your poison works."
I answered angrily,taking something out of my belt that had straps all over it with syringes inside.I took out a syringe and stabbed it into myself.My vision got a bit better as medicines don't work immediately,but I could still make out where the demon was.
"You were the demon that killed that sweet little girl,who went on a walk with her family not far from her village.You lured her in and killed her." I said,anger now fully taking over. "Demon.How many people have you killed?" I didn't let him interrupt me. "Then I know how harsh I should make this."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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