happy family

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At gupta's house

The next morning Deepak went to yoga class aaditya and vedant went to gym

Shraddha woke up and had her bath then Pooja after that she came back in the room to wake the kids first she woke up aaransh she gave him a bath and made him wear clothes then combed his hair
By that time aahan also woke up
"Mumma" he hugged her tightly and kissed his mom
"Why are you calling my mom mumma she is my mumma"- aaransh
"She is my mom also"-aahan
"No, she is my mom not yours"
"No baby don't say like that I am mumma of you both okay" shraddha tried to explain to him
"No no no"he pushed aahan, aahan fell on bed
"Aaransh" she slapped him
"What happened" aaditya Said coming in
Aaransh started crying
Shraddha told him everything
Aaransh ran away from the room,
"I will talk to him don't worry "

She nodded. Aaditya went behind aaransh.
"Come I will give you a bath" shraddha said to aahan

He was very happy it was the first time his mom would give him a bath not a nanny.

Aaransh went to the garden area sitting on a bench.
"Cam I sit here" aaditya asked him
Aaransh didn't reply he was just sitting there like that silently
"Why are you angry, don't you like aahan"
"No I don't like him he is taking my mom my mumma slapped me because of him"
"She slapped you because you pushed him and when you hurt someone you get a scolding "
He was silent
"You can tell me your problem it will be a secret between us"
"Why is he calling my mother his mumma"
"Cause he is your brother"
"Like your mother and your Karan mammu"
"I didn't know how he became my brother"
"Cause your mom and I got married so your mom is his mother also"
"So we are brothers and you are my father'
"Then my dad(Rohit)"
"You might miss him?"
"I only see mumma he was always in the office"
"Ok I see"
"What should I call you then"
"Whatever you like"
"I will also call you papa like aahan"
"Ok" he smiled
"You are my father so you will play with me?"
"Of course"
"You will kiss me, draw with me and watch a movie with me"
"Hmm" he nodded

He took him in his arms
"Let's go inside "
"Ok papa" he kissed his cheek

They went inside by that time aahan was ready
Aahan and Deepak were sitting on the dining table.
Shraddha was bringing food on the table
"Let me help you bhabhi" vedant said
"No no it's ok"
He held her hand and took her outside
"Look papa what bhabhi is doing"
"What" he asked
Shraddha had no Idea what she did that he is reacting like that
"She is working all alone the kitchen"
"Oh it's very bad my daughter it's your first day and you are working and all alone you should have asked for help"
"You sit here bhabhi i will bring everything"
She just sat there confused like people can treat their daughter in law like this also

"From Where this son-father duo coming from "
Shraddha turned around
She didn't believe her eyes he was in aaditya arms. He would never go to someone other than her, Karan and shravani. Not even to Rohit ,but he is giggling in aaditya's arms.

They all were having breakfast together, a happy complete family.

"Have you completed your homework you have to school tomorrow" vedant asked aahan
"Yes chachu" he smiled
" my good boy" aaditya praised him
"Papa i also did my homework"aaransh said
"You are my good good boy" he praised him also
Aaransh never knew that fathers also have food together and they care about there homework cause he never had those moments in his life he was happy

On the other side everyone was hella shock that he called him papa easily

"Who I am beta" Deepak asked
Deepak smiled"oh I have now two two grandchildren. I am happiest today"

"And who I am" vedant asked
" I don't know" he said scratching his head
"Gazab bezati hein(meme)"
"He is a donkey" aaditya said
Everyone was laughing silently leavin ahan
"Stop it Bhai, don't make fun of me"

"It's an insult to the donkey that I called you donkey"
This time they laughed properly but someone was angry
"Papa, don't call my chachu a donkey" aahan said
"And aaransh he is chachu not donkey" he said to him
"Pagle rulayega kya" vedant said
"Today you are loving your chachu so much" Deepak asked
"You know my classmate's sister gives me chocolate whenever she comes to pick him up,because of him"
"Because of me" he asked in surprise
"He asks for your photo and number I told her that I can't give your number but I can give your photo "
"What, which photo you gave to her"
"The one was in black frame"
"What," vedant twisted his ear seeing this
"Papa see"
"You were taking his side na I will not say anything"aaditya replied
Deepak hit the vedant hand
"Don't you dare to tease my son" Deepak glared at Vedant
"No papa vedant is right
Listen aahan dont take any eatables
From anyone else if you want something tell me I will bring it for you and don't give anyone photo of yourself or family members got it"
Shraddha first time saw him this angry and serious when he was talking no one interfared in between
"And you too aaransh never take anything from strangers ok no matter how good or cool they look"
Aaditya Said to aaransh.

Aaditya was in room getting his bag ready for going to office

Shraddha entered the room

"Shraddha I was thinking something"
"About aaransh school, his former school is very far from here if you agree I was thinking we should admit in the aahan's school it is near also and both the kids will be together"
"I was also thinking about it but i think we should do it before there summer vacation start"
"Ok we will go tomorrow"

Karn's pov

Why did i clicked her (shravani)photo I am such fool. Don't forget Karan she is your enemy's sister now. She doesn't deserve your attention. I have hurt that Rohit through her. She is just a bait. Don't forget that

Karan wanted to make himself believe that he had to hate her but his heart is saying something else


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