bonus chapter 2

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After some days.

It was night time. Ishani and mahir were sleeping together while vedant was working on his laptop sitting beside his wife and son. Mahir is scared of the dark so they don't close the lights of the bedroom.

Vedant was working when he heard a little cry. Mahir was waking up. Vedant immediately closed the laptop and put it aside. He carefully took mahir in arms as he didn't want to disturb Ishani. She has to go to school tomorrow as she is a primary class teacher now. She loves her work. After mahir turned seven and half months she joined school. Either her father in law will take care of him for that time or one of the other family members would take work from home so they could take care of little mahir.

As soon as he took him in his arms he stopped crying. He recognises his parents'touch very well. He opened  his small  eyes and looked at his father and tilted his head while giggling. He checked his diaper and it was clean. He smiled at his son and started swinging him on his lap. He took the thermos bottle and poured warm milk in the baby bottle. He poured a little drop on his palm to check the temperature. Being satisfied with it he started feeding mahir milk with the bottle.

As soon as he was done. He started motioning to sit so, vedant made him sit on his lap. He looked towards his mother and started babbling  "mmm ma mm"
"She is an angel! isn't she?"

"B. A"

"My angel"
Mahir threw a fist on him like he understands what he says

"Ok your angel too" vedant kissed his cheek.

"Chalo let's sleep " vedant said while making him lay on his lap but he threw his hands and legs in the air

"You don't wanna sleep, you wanna play or roam"

Vedant took him in balcony for some time. His son really loves going out of house seeing sky.

A big smile appeared on mahir's lips as he saw sky. After spending some time there. He took him to guest room with his toys so Ishani's sleep would not get disturbed.

After playing with him, when mahir was asleep in his arms. He took him up to the room. As he was going to open the door. Ishani opened it "where were you"

"He woke up in the middle, I feed him milk but he was not sleeping so i took him to guest room for playing with him"  she smiled at him and took mahir in his arms. She walked towards the crib and placed him in crib this time.

Vedant lied down and signalled he to come to him. She obideiently went to him and he pulled her in his arms and wrapped his legs around her.
"Finally I got you in my arms after a long time" he kissed the crown of her head.

"You must be tired, it's 3 in the morning, you could have woke me up"

"It's okay i will work from home tomorrow, all my work is done on my laptop so I will rest also and work also". He paused , cupped her chin and made her look at him. He kissed her lips lightly "you also must be tired, it my duty also to take care of him, even if it's midnight"

"Thank you" she said

"You are thanking me for taking care of our kid"

She shook her head a little "thank you for being you, I love you"

"I love you too" saying this he locked his lips with hers
"Now speak less, just sleep" he said while cageing her in between his arms and legs.


Shraddha was dressing up aahan and arransh as they just took their bath. After they were ready in clothes she dried their hairs. And set their hairs

She pecked their cheeck one by one "my babies"
Both the boys smiled and kissed their mumma

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