busy parents

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Shravani woke up with a jerk. Her cheeks had the prints of her dry tears. She wished that it was a dream which happened yesterday but unfortunately she knows it was not a dream but reality. She was cursing her life. She had a dream to marry her first love. She fulfilled it but her love was using her all the time. After removing all the thoughts she got ready for her office. She came out of the room to find her husband sleeping on the single couch.

She looked at him with anger and hatred "why are you acting like this, acting like you care for me when you clearly don't" she said to his sleeping figure. She went to the kitchen, she didn't  have an appetite because of what happened last night but she had to eat for a new life growing in her womb. She ate the poha, which was prepared by their cook and she went to the office. It will be better for her to work or her mind will overthink about last night.

Karan woke up. He wanted to see shravani but she left  for the office before he woke up. He was cursing himself for everything he did he should have told her the truth but he didn't tell her about the truth because  he was scared to lose her but now that's happening she wants to divorce him and leave him. He knows it's his fault.

He felt like someone stabbed his heart with a burning iron rod. When she told him that she wanted a divorce. He was not worried even a bit for the way Rohit humiliated him or he had that video of him bowing down in front of Rohit. Right now he is only worried about Shravani. He decided to stay at home.


Aaditya dropped the kids to school and came back home. He kissed shraddha who was sleeping beside the sleeping dhara. As she didn't let shraddha sleep the whole night.

He took a shower and got ready for his office. He was in the closet wearing his tie when he felt two arms around his torso. He turned around to find a smiling shraddha.

"Let me help" she took the tie from his hand  and wrapped the tie around his neck . Aaditya was just admiring his wife's beautiful smile and eyes. When she was done she held his collar and pulled him. He was trying  to understand what just happened when he felt her lips over his, licking and sucking his lips softly.

He closed his eyes wrapping his hands around her waist, deepening the kiss. He smiled in between.

Her hands were still holding his collar pulling him  closer. She was dominating the kiss and Aaditya loved it even more. He picked her up by her waist and made her sit on one of the counters, not breaking the kiss he parted her legs and stood between them. He parted for a minute. They both were breathing heavily. He pulled her by her waist and started kissing her neck. The things were getting hot when they heard the cries of dhara.and they parted away. Shraddha pouted and aaditya smiled

" Busy parents we are" he said as she  stepped down the counter and ran to dhara he also came to her. Dhara is still crying, shraddha gave the baby to aaditya, he moved her a little in his arms. And she stopped crying. She looked at her father without blinking and she was holding his shirt in her tiny hands.

"She started recognising you, I see she will be daddy's girl" shraddha said with a smile

He looked at her with a smirk and winked at her "you are also daddy's girl"

She rolled her eyes at him hiding her blushing state.

Vedant entered the room "cachu is here dhara baby". He started playing with her fingers. Dhara looked at her cachu with wide eyes.

"Give her to me na" he said to aaditya as she was holding the little baby

"No, she will cry" he said being a protective father.

"She didn't cry looking at you why will she cry with me"

"Cause she just recognised her father and she loves her father" "haina my cutie baby" he mimicked in baby voice looking at dhara.

"Bhabhi!!" He whined looking at shraddha.

"Let him hold her once, aaditya"

"Bhabhi ka chamcha" he mummered to vedant
(Bhabhi's pet)

Vedant took her in his arms and as expected she cried.

Aaditya immediately but carefully took her back in his arms and she stopped crying

"Dekha, voh tujhe pasand nahi karti, bacche Mann ke sache, pehchaan gayi tujhe ek baari mein" he teased his little brother which is his favourite hobby
( Look, she doesn't like you, children are true to heart, she recognised you at once)

Vedant became sad hearing his face down. Aaditya felt bad and said
"I was teasing you, she didn't recognise you, she will take some time"

Vedant looked at him and shraddha said pointing at aaditya"haan haan vedant yeh kal inhe dekhar bhi ro gayi thi aur aaj dekho unke saath khel rahi"
( Yes vedant, yesterday she also cried looking at him, but look today she is playing with him)

"Yeh batana zaroori tha kya" he said with sad expression
"Was it necessary to tell him that"


In the evening

Vedant was engrossed in his work,he heard a knock  and replied "come in" thinking it might be his PA. So he didn't look there and just said "yes what's the matter" still busy in his work

"The problem is , that my husband is ignoring me"

He looked at her with a smile "how can your husband ignore a beauty like you he is such a dumbo"

"He is" saying this she sat on a chair in front of his desk

"How can you ignore Ishani"

"You weren't picking up my call"

He showed her his phone's"battery died"

"Oh I see"

"How was your college today"

"It was good but they gave a lot of assignments"

"No worries baby I will help you"

"No no i don't wa to get a F on my assignment" she said while controlling his laugh

He rolled his eyes and showed her his tongue to tease her

She smiled looking at him "ok sorry"


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