delivery #2

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After 6 months

Shravani was in the labour room. Karan was praying outside the room.
Shraddha couldn't come there with her seven month old baby.
Aaditya vedant and Ishani were also in hospital along with Lakshmi and Bheem Singh.

Soon they heard the cries of a baby. Finally they were relieved. The nurse bought the baby outside.

"It's a healthy baby boy" the nurse announced.

Karan took the baby in his shivering hands.he asked the nurse "my wife?"

"She is also fine, we will shift her to a normal room then you can meet her"

Everyone took the baby in their arms one by one.
"He has the same nose as you Karan bhaiya" Ishani exclaimed with happiness

He smiled at her " really"
She nodded at him.

First Karan went to her room with baby in his arms. She looked at him with a wide smile and tears shimmering in her eyes.

"Our son" he placed the baby in her arms.

He careass shravani's head "thank you for everything"

It's their happy family. He kissed her forehead.


After twelve days.

It was the naming ceremony. Everyone was present there.
Pandit ji suggested K Or H fir naming the baby.

"Kartik" shravani suggested as she had shortlisted 10 names for her son. And she liked this one the most.

Everyone loved this name for the new family member.
Shraddha took kartik in her arms and kissed his forehead while looking at him lovingly.

After having food everyone was chit chatting with each other. The three couples were in shravani's room. Kartik and dhara were sleeping peacefully in their respective cribs.
Aahan and aaransh were sitting in their father's lap together. Tushar was sitting with his loving jijaji.

And they ended the day with happiness and laughter. The gupta couples went to their home.


At night.

Shravani was lying near Karthik patting him softly, smiling at her baby.
She felt the presence of someone behind him. He wrapped his arms around her. And kissed the side of her head. She slowly turned toward him smiling at her husband.

"Our son inherited all your, handsome face features" she said while playing with his hair coming over his forehead.

"But I hope he never becomes a person like me" he said with little bitterness

She stopped playing with his hair and looked at him seriously "it's okay Karan ji you never did wrong to me, you just wanted to hurt him for hurting your sister"

"But still, I did wrong"

"You know your mistake and accepted it and you apologized also so please, forgive yourself and leave it in the past"

"How can you be so good"

"What are you, when I told you to separate our ways you didn't let me and when i forgave you and wanted to be with you then why are you being guilty"

He just looked at her with love and guilt.

"Now stop living in the past and live in the present, look at our cute munchkin sleeping peacefully"
He glanced at him and a wide smil appeared on his lips
He kissed her and went to the other side of the bed beside his baby boy.
Shravani placed her hand on the stomach of kartik. Karan also placed the hand on her hand. They looked at each other with love and smiled. The sleeping baby also smiled

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