we are not made for each other

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Shraddha woke up suddenly with her cheeks being red
She found herself beside her two kids and remembered what happened in the room

"I confessed to him in the dream but in reality I do not have the courage to do so, I will just avoid him" shraddha said to herself

"Luckily it was a dream"
She silently went to their room to take her clothes and went to take a bath.

After getting ready she did her Pooja. She headed towards the children room when bumped to aaditya on the way who was going to gym
"Good.. night no no I mean good morning " she stammered in nervousness
But he just avoided her and went downstairs
"Is he angry with me" she asked herself

Flashback to the night

When shraddha ran away after kissing him. He was blushing hard when she didn't come back. He went to look for her. And found out she was sleeping with aahan and aaransh.
A smile crept on his lips he went to his room

"No don't, don't be an idiot aaditya you cannot fall for someone after getting such a betrayal. First she will act all loving and at last will leave you like the way she did in the past, it's better if i avoid her and if she has any feelings for me she had to surpass them" he said to himself

Aaditya is afraid of losing his love again his past will never let him love again.


Back to present

In the afternoon , shraddha got a call from Karan

"Namaste dii"

"Namaste how are you?"

"I am not ok"

"Why what happened " she inquired in earnest voice

"I heard you are not coming to marriage"

"Try to understand how can I come"

"You have to and you will I have told everyone that I will only do this grand wedding if you and aaditya jijaji will come or else I will marry in a court or a temple " he protested

After a little debate between them

"Ok ok I will come"

"And bring everyone kids vedant and uncle also"

"We all will come but papa is out on a tour with his friends, first it was a plan for one weal only but then they decide to explore the place properly "


At night

She was in room, when aaditya came back he didn't even glanced at her

"Suniye. (listen)"

"Karan called....."

"I know he came to the office we will go, you can go shopping, vedant will help you" he declared in a rude way

"What happened"

"What happened you are asking me what happened" he growled walking towards her

She waa walking backwards but was hit by the bed and fell on bed like in a sitting position he was standing over her

"Did you forget your work here"
"What is your work here"

She remained silent
"Answer my questions damn it" he growled

"To .. to be aahan's mother"

"So you know it na so don't you ever cross line and try to become my wife"

She nodded
"I will not cross any line" she sobbed

Aaditya felt bad but he want to know her that they are not for each other.

Aaransh and aahan came inside to calm their mumma to narrate them a story before sleeping

"Mummy why are you crying" aahan asked

The both ran and climbed on the bed

"Papa why mumma is crying" aahan asked again

He didn't answered that

Aaransh made a fist and hit on the aaditya's hand
He looked at aaransh confused
He again hit him

"I thought you were a good .. pap..papa but you are also bad papa you slapped my mumma like dad.. you are bad.. very bad.. why everyone hit my mumma aaaaa" he sobbed hard

Aaditya was shocked as he got to know that she was slapped by her ex husband.

Shraddha was also shocked that he still rembered that incident

" No no beta papa didn't slapped me I was missing my mother you also miss me na when you are in school"

They both hugged her

"You both go to sleep i will come in ten minutes"

"No we will sleep with you here mumma" they both said in unison

"Ok so sleep here" aaditya said

It was a good thing for him as he scolded her and now it will be awkward for them to be alone
Mother and kids slept together .
Aaditya just looked at their sleeping figures
"We are not made for each other" he saia and also went to sleep

After that day shraddha completed avoid her she don't want to get hurt again

Did you guys enjoyed the chapter

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