you love me?

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Shravani was getting ready in front of the dressing table. Karan was looking at her, but he didn't have the courage to ask her. When yesterday she said that she thought that he would question her character, he was shattered not even in his wildest dreams He thought that she would be so far from him.

Last night when shravani slept he talked to their baby

"Hi baby I am so sorry papa got to know about you a little late. because of your father mumma is sad and hurt. She is angry with me but don't worry I will make it up to her. I love you and your mumma a lot. You trust me na my baby! I hope your mother will also understand it. I am so sorry that your mum is hurt because of me." He tried best not to cry but at last he couldn't stop himself from sobbing hard.

He was lost in his thoughts when shravani came in front of her "I am going to my parents house"

"Please don't leave me baby,....." Before he could say anything she kept her palm on his mouth

"I am just going to meet my parents, I will come back by night" she left the room without giving him a single glance.


Last night vedant couldn't talk to his lovely wife as she was sleeping when he came back.

When he wake up today she was playing with dhara in shraddha's room.after getting ready and having breakfast he went to their garden. Aahan aaransh along with tushar were playing there he joined them.

Ishani was also searching for him and found him playing with kids. He was engrossed with kids.

"Cachi"aahan ran to her and pulled her by holding her fingers "play with us, sit here"

He made her sit near vedant "is he still angry" she thought.
They were playing together, Ishani felt his fingers making patterns on her back as he slid his hand inside her loose shirt.

She kept her hand on his thigh, indicating him to stop, looking at him with request in her eyes but he just smirk at her. She was feeling little turned on with his smooth touches. He ran his knuckles down her spine and she felt electricity running down her spine. She closed her eyes and he just smirked at his victory.

"What happened Ishani are you okay?"

She looked at him with a pout and slight fake anger in her eyes.

"Look kids, cachi is little sick, i will take her to have rest"

Kids nodded at him and they both went to their room. He locked the door.


"You shouldn't do that in garden, in front of kids"

"I am not saying sorry for what I did today in the garden"

She widened her eyes and looked at him "then"

"For yesterday, for yelling at you" he held her hand and placed a sweet kiss on her fingers.

"Why are you apologizing, it was my fault, I will keep my things at proper place , I am sorry!"

He kissed her on forehead
"Now strip" he ordered her

Her eyes widened with shock "what!"

"You heard it my baby."
He slumped down on the bed as they both were standing near bed.

She was fidgeting her fingers

"Do it fast Baby"

He sensed the worry on her face. "It's okay if you don't want to"

She shook her head and held the corners of her shirt "is it okay I mean daytime"

"Focus on me Ishani, not on time"

She nodded and obideiently stripped down her clothes. She didn't looked at him and just blushed. He pulled her under him. He also removed his t-shirt and hovered over her and started devoring her lips. With one hand he started caressing her outer thigh.

They continued their romance.


After having her evening tea, she was roaming in the corridor. She decided she will leave after two hours. Her parents congratulated her for the good news and gifted her some money as shagun .

She saw a drunk , very drunk Rohit coming towards her. He was stumbling
" Bhai!" She held his hands

"Oh my lovely sister! I love you a lot because of you, I got that egoistic bastard in his knees"

She didn't understand.
"Are you talking about mr Karan" she asked

" Yes shravu, you wrapped him around your finger I love you a lot for that, my baby sister"

She was taking him to his room. She placed him on the bed. Out of the curiosity she asked "what were you saying him on his knees?"

"Bring my laptop"
She did as he said.

"Wait i will show you" he said while playing the video.

She gasped keep her hand on her mouth. She was dumbstruck. Did he just got insulted so easily. As much she knew her husband he would never bow down in front of anyone especially Rohit who betrayed his own sister. Rohit passed out on the bed. Getting the chance she deleted every copy of that vedio. So he can't restore it.

She wanted to talk to him she ran to to her room to get her bag

"Mom dad I am leaving"

"Stay for tonight my child"

"No dad I will come other time" she hugged her parents and touched their feet and drove back to home she ran to their room.

He was drinking alcohol. When she sensed her presence he hid that glass and bottle as she has a hatred towards alcohol. He was not that drunk as he just had one shot, he was drinking to numb the pain.

"Karan ji!"

"What you called me" he asked with a smile as after a long time she addressed him as Karan ji as she was only calling him mr Karan Gupta from the last month

"Karan ji, i wanted to ask you something, will you be honest" she said walking towards him
" Yes" he nodded making her sit on the sofa he sat beside her

"Everything that happened between us was true?"

"Yes everything was true, as true as the existence of this universe"

"You love me?"

"Yes shravani I love you, i really do"

"Why ..why you bow down in front of him, why you ...rub your nose on his shoe, why did you let him humiliate you and record it why why?" She asked while crying she was feeling guilty.

" It doesn't matter shravani, I just wanted where were you , were you safe or not"

She hugged him tightly " you love me that much"

" It cannot be measured shravani, I am so sorry for being a jerk, I never faked my love for you, everything was real"

She kissed him with a longing and passion , he also responded back. They parted way

"Am I forgiven" she asked

She nodded" I am sorry but doubted your love but i was hurt"

"I know it was my fault"

"Let's stop this and welcome our future with happiness " she said while placing his hand on her belly. They connected their head

"I love you Karan ji"

"I love you shravani"


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She forgave him finally.

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