01.(Her birth)

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Eun-hye: I can't anymore!! it's paining!!

The lady cried in agony

Chan-woo: doctor please help my wife, I can't see her pain anymore

The man pleaded to the doctor

Doc:Mr Park your wife's condition is critical!!she is bleeding a lot and her water broke too,we are trying our best but I genuinely don't think the baby is alive anymore

Chan-woo fell on the floor holding the doctor's feet

Chan-woo:no please save my child!!

He immediately went to his almost unconscious wife and held her hand tightly

Chan-woo:honey you can do this!think about the outcome than the pain!!fight backk dear

The lady sobbed as well,she is trying to push her baby from past 2 hours but she just can't!!her body is so weak that she can't fight the pain

Eun-hye: I can't!! ahh -

She jerked in pain,the nurse gave her an injection to calm her down
Kyung-Seok: Don't worry Chan-woo,she will be alright and your child too, the doctors are trying... please trust them

Another man said to convince the traumatized man, whose eyes are fixed on the ICU door

Mi-young:yes I trust my bestie she can overcome this pain, she can!!

Another lady cried out while holding her 2 year old son tightly

The door opened!!

Chan-woo: what happened doc??she is okay right and my baby??

Doctor: I am sorry!!Your wife Don't want to proceed, she gave up

He headed inside again as a nurse called him.....for a long time it was only silence, everyone was numb....the struggling noises also disappeared

Suddenly a loud scream of Eun-hye followed with a baby's cries shocked everyone to the core

The door opened again and the doctor came with a happy smiley face

Doctor: Congratulations Mr Park it's a Girl,she is healthy and fine but your wife need rest,she is too weak

Chan-woo: thankyou thankyou so much doctor, thankyou!!

The doctor patted his shoulders and left

Kyung-Seok:look I said na... everything will be fine!!buddy you are a dad noww

He exclaimed shaking his bestfriend's hands

Mi-young: I knew!she is the strongest person,she overcomed her pain

Chan-woo was soooo happy and thankful to God and everyone that he forgot to speak and move,he just can't believe the news

Chan-woo: I am what??a Dad??

He asked making the couple smile at him,as soon as a nurse came out Mi-young asked her if they can go in

Nurse:sure mam!!but don't talk too long,she need proper rest

She whispered as a tear rolled down her eyes, Chan-woo wipped it and kissed her forehead

Chan-woo:you did great my wife!! that was painful right??

His eyes shows sorrow for his wife,who had numerous tubes attached to her skin

Eun-hye:not at all!!when I look back now I don't feel any pain because the pain was worth it....we got our gift....our daughter!!

She smiled cheekily

Mi-young:where where??my daughter in law where is she?? ohh there she is!!

The lady walked to the baby while others laughed at her

Chan-woo:she already became your daughter in law!!??wow

Mi-young:yes...omo just look at her little eyes!!aww just like you Eun-hye!!

Kyung-Seok:and the facial features are like Chan-woo wahh!!look at the chubby cheeks...just like him!! and this cute nose

He cutely pinched her small nose making her blink blink

Mi-young: here hold your daughter Oppa!!the long waited hardest gift

Chan-woo carefully held the small soft body of his daughter, admiring her every features... tears welled up in his eyes

Kyung-Seok:no no no more crying please,be happy

Eun-hye: I am soo happy that her birth is a success,I thought I really lost her

The baby cried

Mi-young: look you made her emotional as well,ufff you are a mother now,baby don't cryyy...ye ye.... Jungkook??look at her once!!she is so cute

She called her son,who is Jeon Jungkook!!he came and Kyung-Seok picked him up in his arms

Jungkook: why is she crying Mom?

He asked as he is getting irritated by her cryings

Mi-young:she is hungry son!!will you touch her??

Jungkook nodded and his mom made him touch the baby's face and it instantly stopped crying

Chan-woo:oww look she stopped crying after Jungkook touched her!!

Everyone was surprised,the small girl smiled looking at Jungkook while he did the same!!

Eun-hye:any name for her??

She asked

Mi-young:Ji-woo; Park Ji-woo.

She declared

Eun-hye:ohh it's the same name you told this name when we were in college right??you told me that I will have a daughter and you will have a son then you will get them married and lol many more

Everyone laughed including the newborn

Kyung-Seok:did you even understand what your mom said??why are you smiling??

He asked cutely to the girl

Mi-young: Jungkook you will marry her okay??

She jerked her son and danced,The little man so done with his hyped mom

Jungkook: I am not marrying her fs!!

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