31.(Friends forever)

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She is alone!! sitting on the grass of a cemetery;her eyes burning as she has been crying the whole day and night since yesterday!she can't believe her parents are no more

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She is alone!! sitting on the grass of a cemetery;her eyes burning as she has been crying the whole day and night since yesterday!she can't believe her parents are no more

Jiwoo: I wish this was a dream!!

She looked at the sky

Jiwoo:now what will I do?God why did you keep me alive?I don't want to live anymore.... eomma appa I will love you forever, I will make you both proud
Jiwoo alone reached Seoul!her birth place....No she wasn't happy nor with her parents like others said but alone walking like a dead woman

As soon as she reached home,she couldn't hold back her tears, it was empty, there was no one waiting for her!!no one to scold her,tell her stories, talk to her,argue with her, support her, play with her,buy her whatever she wanted

Jiwoo:Appa eomma come back please

The door bell rang,she had no energy to check nor did she want anyone to visit rn but eventually she had to open the door

Mi-young:Jiwoo, how's your mom?are you alone at home?

Jiwoo nodded,her eyes met with Jungkook's

Kyung-Seok: where are your parents?? haven't they returned?

Jiwoo gulped down her sobs and answered

Jiwoo:They are dead!!

Mi-young gasped,she held the door frame for support, Jungkook held his mom

Mi-young: what?? Jiwoo dead means?
Jiwoo:they are no more,both of them died
Kyung-Seok:how? Chan-woo??
Jiwoo:me and Appa met with an accident in Canada,he had no possibility to survive so docs just gave up the same with eomma, she died 2 days ago which was her final date on the earth!!THEY LEFT ME~

Jiwoo fell on the floor near Kyung-Seok's feet while clenching her tshirt

Mi-young hugged her

Mi-young:No Jiwoo, you have to be strong

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Mi-young:No Jiwoo, you have to be strong... it's difficult ik but this is also a test of life and you have to face it!!You have lost one mother but I am also your mother!!! Jungkook's dad is also your dad!!we are here for you Jiwoo, don't break down princess!!
Jiwoo: I can't bear this pain anymore!!I couldn't save my parents....why didn't I die?
Kyung-Seok: Jiwoo don't say that, you have to live...you have to dream for your parents!!
Jiwoo: I don't want to live....I requested eomma appa even God to not take their lives but I am not God's fav child,he betrayed me and took my precious parents away from me forever, even if I want I can't see them, hug them

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