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"come in"

The man said allowing the other person to enter his cabin.

Jungkook: I don't care!!hand me the papers and if you can't get ready to die

He cut the call and massaged his temples,he felt a person inside his cabin but didn't look up,he thought it was his secretary but even after a few seconds when he heard nothing he faced the person and stood up

Jungkook: Hyung-

It was Jimin standing like a model

Jimin: I thought you were deaf and blind

Jungkook bowed but Jimin rolled his eyes

Jungkook: I am sorry,I was lost somewhere else
Jimin:am I allowed to sit or not?or do you want me to finish my business standing here only?

Jungkook awkwardly shook his head

Jungkook: please... please have a sit!

Jimin pulled a chair and sat infront of him

Jungkook: I am so happy that you came to me!how will I express-
Jimin: nothing to get excited about...I forced myself to come to you,so I will make it quick and leave

Jungkook sighed,he thought Jimin was here to make their relationship alright

Jimin:in short I'm getting married
Jungkook: REALLY!!

Jimin hide his smile

Jimin:um yes,so you are invited..make sure to attend my wedding!
Jungkook:sure Hyung, I will surely attend

Jimin stood up to leave

Jimin: I should leave
Jungkook: you just came, let's have lunch together!
Jimin: I can't I've a meeting ahead!
Jungkook:ohh ok but tell me who's the lucky girl?

Jimin smiled at the thought of Kim Jiwoo and answered


And he left! Jungkook who was smiling like an idiot previously fisted his hands after hearing the name of the bride,he was angry and disappointed!

And he left! Jungkook who was smiling like an idiot previously fisted his hands after hearing the name of the bride,he was angry and disappointed!

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Jungkook:wtf Jiwoo...Park Jiwoo,she is mine...Hyung can't marry my Jiwoo

He gritted his teeth in anger
Jiwoo: everything ready?Eonnie?I want to see her...she might be looking like an angel
Jimin's mom:yes yes she is!
Jiwoo:ofc she has to,I choose the gown,her makeup artist,hair stylist and what not-
Jimin's mom:now it's time for you to get ready Ms Jiwoo!!
Jiwoo:yup I will be quick!

After the mother left she decided to take a bath then got dressed quickly,she can handle her own makeup and hair,so no one came for help cuz she is a pro
{Jungkook's pov}

After the mother left she decided to take a bath then got dressed quickly,she can handle her own makeup and hair,so no one came for help cuz she is a pro~{Jungkook's pov}

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