35.(School Trip)

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All attention diverted to Park Jiwoo!she is the spicy topic among the school! students remark at her,admire her,take her as an epitome of strength!!Just like Ryan once lost his fan following when BTS were new and dominant just like that BTS slowly is losing students attention as now Jiwoo is the name everyone cheer for!!

Her fan followers are innumerable,she is prioritised and respected,once bad girls and bullies who used to harass the innocents now are under control, Jungkook lost his title 'badboy';he isn't into fighting like he used to but rather roam around Jiwoo like a lover boy!!he isn't doing well in studies as well

Whereas Jiwoo got many titles like 'Badass';'Queen of Strength'; many more.Teachers and staff are really helpful towards Jiwoo,as they got to know about her misfortune,how she lost her parents and is having a hard time,she basically is always supported and appreciated for her good works, teachers encourages her to work hard and guide her like their own child!!Jiwoo is really thankful to them

Her name Echoes in every corner of the school,she is the centre of attention,her misfortune made the elder pity her,care for her and look after her good and bad.Her dad though wasn't a wealthy man but was well known as he was Jungkook's dad closest friend,he attended many meetings with the school authorities,he was respected and admired!!Jiwoo inherits most of her Dad's qualities which make many others remember her Dad and they come forward to help Jiwoo
Jiwoo:um no Sir!I can't go actually I don't have enough money for a school trip now,also I have a few months left before my permission to work end..so I have to work and earn as much money as soon as possible

She reasoned out!!the principal and teachers sighed

Principal: I can understand but Jiwoo the school trip is free for you!
Jiwoo: no no sir,this will be really injustice against others,they will feel ignored if you prioritised me more than all of them,if they are paying money I will also pay

A teacher caressed her head

Teacher:no Jiwoo,not only for you but also for everyone else the trip is free!!
Principal:we all really want you to join the trip and it's all because you will feel good spending some time with your friends in an open area,we all know how hard you are trying in your life so just some relaxation from stress
Jiwoo: I um it's good but-
Principal:you are going and that's final,pack your luggage dear!!the trip will be exciting

Jiwoo's eyes welled up in emotions

Jiwoo: I am so glad to get supportive teachers like you all! thankyou very much
Principal:we are proud to have a student like you Jiwoo!you are in a phase of improvement, I'm sure you can make your dreams come true through hard work,best of luck!!
Jiwoo:Mr Jeon Ik very well you are behind all the planning!!the free school trip will cause a great loss!! please don't mind but I heard you and your son talking with the teachers and staff to unite me and your son in every task! that's very unnecessary!I was always doubtful when the dance teacher selected me as his dance partner,then we always got assigned together for assignments and many more
Kyung-Seok:Jiwoo it's for your betterment! Jungkook wanted to do every work with you,either it's dance or studies he wanted you as his partner,how can I deny his request being a father
Jiwoo:but you are spoiling him by listening to his bullshit desires
Kyung-Seok:ik Jiwoo,ik everything...but Jungkook,yes he was wrong, a jerk,a spoiled brat but I can see his desperation to get your forgiveness,to gain your trust,He loves you and it's not some crush or something but a lifetime promise which I can see in his eyes,when you left for Canada,he cried because he couldn't see you physically for days!!he cried in my embrace, that's why I wanted to fix things between you and him!I am your father just like I'm Jungkook's and I swear I love you more than my own son.I am not begging you to forgive my son but think about him and his recent actions you will definitely find difference, I'm not here to force you on my son!!you have the right to decide whether you wanna forgive him or move on!!
Rosè:ufff come on we are getting late!!
Jiwoo: I am almost done,well I need to lock my house properly there's no one to guard my home
Rosè:okay okay come fast!!

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