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Eun-hye has been discharged from the hospital but is restricted to do any work,she is fully in bed rest

Eun-hye:Jiwoo please talk to me baby!!uk eomma is sorry,I just didn't want to burden you with my illness

Jiwoo scoffed in disbelief,she has become utmost silent after all the storms she faced

Jiwoo: burden??my own mother's illness will burden me?I am not even a studious girl that I might've forgotten some studies if you shared about your problems with me
Eun-hye: I was scared to inform you
Jiwoo:and now I am scared to lose you,why can't you understand??you never did the proper treatment eomma!!

Chan-woo who just entered with some porridge sat on the couch,beside Jiwoo

Eun-hye:honey Jiwoo-
Chan-woo:now don't talk Eun-hye, I told you several times that we should inform Jiwoo,she has the right to know but you were stubborn also it's normal she is feeling at the edge because of us
Eun-hye:we were also having a loss in business,so how could I simply for my treatment waste money??her education is important before me

Jiwoo stood up from her seat

Jiwoo:as if I used to study!!how can you be so freaking dumb huh??I wasted your money not studying the past years,I am a fool to play around but from now onwards I promise to study hard

She started sobbing,her father hugged her to calm her down

Chan-woo:we never wanna force you with any choice!!appa and Eomma are truly sorry for not informing you also sorry for losing my everything
Eun-hye:how can everything ruin?we are having a financial crisis,what will happen to Jiwoo,idk how long I will survive but I want to provide my daughter the best life

Jiwoo walked towards her mom and sat beside her,she hugged her

Jiwoo:eomma you are not leaving me...no no way never!!and don't worry about my life but worry about your health!!

They were silently having their porridge but Eun-hye broke the silence

Eun-hye: Jiwoo you have tution!!

Jiwoo stopped eating,her face held no emotions as she remembered Jungkook's harsh words,she doesn't want to go and face him but she also wants to for once see her Mommy and Papa,she will cut ties with them today as Jungkook asked,after a long sigh she answered

Jiwoo:hm!!I will go,also this is my last visit to that house as I will inform Mr Cha that I will be leaving the tuition
Chan-woo:why?? why you wanna leave the tuition??
Jiwoo:appa we are facing financial issues,can we provide money to the tutor?or are you thinking he will do his job without money...ofc not so it's better if I resign,I will study at home by myself

She left declaring

She left declaring~

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(Her outfit)

With a pounding heart she hesitated either to ring the bell or to just go back to her home!as she was thinking the door got opened revealing Jungkook's mother,she flashed her sweet smile but Jiwoo stood there stoic,her minds displaying Jungkook's words

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