Author's Note

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It's been a week since End Of The Line ended and I found myself thinking about it today. I wanted to thank each and every one of you for giving this book so much love and for going on that journey with me. Writing it made a hard year, that should have been one of my worst, the best I've ever had. It was a way of healing from an experience that I haven't shared with many and I can honestly say that it was truly my silver lining. Sharing it with you guys made that more than evident. I haven't left it yet, I don't think I ever really will. Recreating as an original has helped, cause I can safely say though it ended, I ain't ready to let it go. Thank you for falling in love with not just the story, but the original characters too. Ronnie and Penny meant the world to me, they always will. I learned a lot from those two from the driver's seat, right alongside Tommy. So thank you. Thank you for helping me find the good in all the bad that was around me, for showing me my silver lining and thank you for supporting this story.
Much love,

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