Part 13

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Brian's POV

Leaving Rose, I headed back to the club to meet with Boss. I stayed the whole night because Rose didn't wake up for hours after the sleeping gas and shot. Boss had said she would only sleep about an hour, so her not waking up had me concerned. When she didn't wake up, I did collect a blood sample so we could send it off. Walking into the building, I headed back to the office. Once in I noticed Boss laying on the couch.

"Hey Brian, how is my mate?" Boss asked me without removing his arm over his eyes.

"She's fine. She finally woke up at around seven. She made breakfast for me to thank me. I don't know how she controlled herself from going straight out and feeding. I noticed beads of sweat on her forehead."

"Very unusual, that gas and shot should have lasted no more than two hours." Boss says as he sits up. I can tell he is in here for his mate's scent.

"Well, it lasted all night. I figure she is out feeding now." I say and Boss lets out a low growl. I throw my hands up in mock surrender. "Not sure you are going to like what I am about to say then. She needs another VIP ticket for next weekend since she says she don't have enough info to write her report." A grimace passes over his face as he sits back on the couch. "You know she can't come here again without going through the same thing as last night. What are you going to do?"

"I guess I'm going to have to meet her before next weekend and let her know who I am and what she is."

"Oh, speaking of which I got a blood sample for you to send to the lab. Maybe you can see what else she has in her." I take the vial of blood out of my pocket and hand it to him. Taking the vial, he pulls out his phone and sends a text. "So, want me to set up a meeting?" I asked Boss knowing he has no other choice.

"Yeah, I'm thinking Thursday. That will give me a few days to get the report back on her blood and ask my dear Sister the Queen to get me some kind of masking spray so she doesn't go into heat from my scent. I'll need you to apply some to her that day as well or I won't be able to control myself." I walk around the desk and sit down as Sam walks in.

"Prince Aaron, I'm here for the blood." Sam says to Boss. He is Boss's sister's valet. I'm sure she sent him because she can get the info faster than just sending it to the lab. Boss hands him the vial and Sam bows his head.

"Oh Sam, tell Lily I need a masking spray that will weaken mine and my mate's scent. I need it by Wednesday night." Sam nods and quickly heads out the door. I know my Boss is tough, but I can see beads of sweat forming at his temples. I guess his mate's scent isn't helping as much as he thought it would. Turning towards me he gives a dry laugh. "I can't believe this is affecting me this much. It was all I could do to not come running up her last night. I had one of the females lock me in shackles last night to keep her safe. For her not being a full-blooded succubus she sure has a strong scent." I watch as he runs his hand through his hair sighing to himself.

"I forgot to tell you, but she was an orphan. She was left on the doorstep of the orphanage. She could have anything in her. You would have caused a lot of damage if you had come up her last night. She had a wall of men blocking my path." At this another growl comes from him. "All I'm saying is who knows what she has in her that made so many men come around. I'm betting she has something besides human."

"I know her scent was strong cause after you hung up, I could smell her and I was in the very bottom floor in the back room. Cotton Candy, that's what she smells like to me. The one time my parents took me to a human carnival and I loved the cotton candy." He said and laughed. "I guess I better head to the underground and talk to Lily. She has been texting nonstop since I asked her to get the blood analyzed. So twenty texts in the last ten minutes." I watch as he stands up and stretches before heading to the door. "Oh, and Brian keep your eye on her. I would but well I don't think I'd be able to control myself." I nod as I watch him leave. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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