Chapter 4

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Brian's POV

I walked into the meeting with Chance and turned on my scent to see if it would affect Rose. My boss bought the magazine company just so I could get info about his mate. The only thing he knows about her is that he saw her walking late at night and that she smelled different. He knew she wasn't a full-blooded succubus, but he wasn't sure what else she was. He thought it was odd she didn't seem to recognize him as her mate but he knew as soon as he smelled her scent. I don't know how he found out who she was just by a chance viewing of her, but he is very clever. By the next morning he knew who she was and where she worked. He bought the company and sent me in. I took my seat and glanced around at all the women showing their cleavage and the men looking horny at me. Humans are so easy to seduce. I look at Rose and see she is looking at her co-workers and shaking her head. She looks at me and I smirk at her only to receive rolled eyes and her attention back on Chance. Ok so my scent doesn't work on her it seems, how odd. I wait till the meeting is over and follow Chance to his office. Once in the office he shuts the door.

"Rose this is Brian. Brian this is Rose she writes about the new and happening places and she writes the tips on sex and beauty for the magazine." I hold my hand out and she shakes it. I can tell she has succubus blood from the pull I feel that's how we can recognize each other. Incubus and succubus can't have sex with each other unless they are mates. Well, we can we just don't get fed. I know it's weird but that is how is works. Mate's feed each other's souls while others don't feed our souls hence why we have to have sex with humans or other demons or angels if we get lucky. She lets my hand go and we both take a seat. Her boss explains I will be going with her to the new night club Sex Appeal. I can tell she doesn't like this idea.

"Fine, I see I have no choice. I'll work on getting two VIP tickets to opening night. How hard could that be." Hmmmm trying to control her temper. Boss is going to have a sassy one on his hands.

"Rose, please allow me to get those tickets for you since I am imposing on you. No need to worry consider it done." I smirk at her incredulous look on her face.

"That would be a great help but are you sure you can get them. It's hard enough for me to get one for opening night two will be near impossible." She says with a smirk of her own. Oh, I like this girl and she for sure is going to give Boss a run for his money. What she doesn't know is that Boss is actually the owner of the club she is going to so it's no big deal about the VIP tickets.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it. I told you consider it done." I stood up winked at her and nodded before taking my leave. I can't let Boss continue to wait on what I've found out. I head out and hop into my limo that's been waiting on me with Boss sitting inside.

"So, what did you find out?" Boss asks as he tells the driver to take us to Sex Appeal.

"Well, I'm thinking she is human and succubus. I felt the pull, but she acted like she didn't know anything. She isn't affected from my scent so I'm guessing yours won't work on her either. Oh, and she will be at attendance of Sex Appeals Grand Opening. I need two VIP tickets. She thinks I can't get them. Do you want her to have the special VIP tickets that allow her entrance to the secret sex club underneath?"

"Only if she won't write about it. I'm guessing she would so for now we just stick to the night club." We pull up at the club and we both get out heading into the building.

"You are right though she is very pretty, but wrong on the color of hair she has, and her eyes are a bright green almost like grass." He looks at me in shock.

"What color is her hair then?"

"It is blonde and looks to be quite long, but she did have it pulled up in a ponytail."

"Well to be fair she was in the dark and had her hood up. I didn't get long to study her as she rushed off and jumped in a cab before I could even introduce myself." I scanned my card in the elevator before selecting the lower floors to check on the things being set up downstairs. The top two floor are used for the new night club, but the bottom four floors is the sex club that will be very private and by invitation only. We already had people working here as submissive that can be entered into contract. Most are succubus or incubus. That way they get fed with all the sex an orgasms going on. They had entered into a contract with boss and the way they get paid is all the free food they well receive plus room and board at his apartments just down the street. I follow behind boss and make notes on what he wants fixed before opening night and then follow him to his office.

"Are you going to introduce yourself to your mate Friday?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Depends, but I'm thinking no right now. I need more info about her."

"How are you going to resist her. Most mates can't stay away from each other when they find them." He grimaces then shakes his head.

"It will be very hard that is why you are to over see anything and everything that happens at the grand opening of the night club and I will be staying down in the sex club over seeing it. I don't think I can control myself if I smell her scent again. You are to also find out anything you can about her."

"Of course, Boss. Leave it to me." He handed me the two VIP tickets and I leave to check everything up stairs and to see if I can find out anything else about boss's mate. Once upstairs I head to my office and pull out my phone once I sit down calling the magazine office.

"Good Afternoon this is Janice how may I direct your call." I believe she was Chance's secretary if I remember right.

"Yes, Janice this is Brian Taylor. I was wanting to get Rose.... I'm sorry I didn't get her last name."

"Rose Baker is who you are looking for."

"Ah yes Rose Baker . I need her number. I need to let her know some info about Friday night."

Ok sure let me get that for you just a sec." I hear her typing away on the computer. "Yes here it is. It's 423-643-9962."

"Thank you, Janice, you're a life saver." I hear her giggle then her saying bye before she hangs up. Now to call Rose.

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