Chapter 2

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Rose's POV

"Hello?" I answer the phone groggily. My bleary eyes search for the bedside clock seeing it's eight am.

"Rose? Sorry to wake you, but the boss wanted me to let you know that there is a mandatory meeting today at two." I yawn and stretch before replying to Janice my boss's secretary. I know she wouldn't wake me unless he demanded it, so I curb my anger and answer softly.

"It's ok no worries. Tell him I'll be there."

"Oh, and Rose he said to bring your journal on the piece you've been working on."

"Yeah, I figured he would want that soon. I'll see you later. I'm going to get a few more hours of sleep."

"Ok Rose see you at two." With that she hung up and I buried myself back under the covers hoping that sleep will claim me again. I'm lucky I get to work whenever I want as long as I meet the deadlines. I do most of my work at night and either on scene or at my house. So, I really hate it when I get woke up early. Knowing Janice, she waited as long as she could with Chance breathing down her neck.

I must have fallen asleep as I'm woken again by Goldy nudging my hand with her head letting me know she needs to be taken out for a walk. I sit up and run my hand over her head and down her back as I check the clock. Right on time my Goldy is. She always wakes me at noon for her walk and to go potty. I climb out of the bed and make my way into the closet finding a pair of black leggings and a light blue sweater pull over. It's fall so I'm betting the temps are in the low sixties. I slip on my white tennis shoes and grab Goldy's leash. Attaching the leash I grab my keys and open the door to head out for our routine. We make our way into the elevator and start making our way down the ten floors. We stop on the sixth floor and Mr. Black jumps on and greets us both.

"Good Afternoon Rose and Goldy. Going for your usual walk I see." He says as he pets Goldy and lets her lick his hand.

"Good afternoon Mr. Black. Yes, we are on our way out for our usual routine. How's your wife?"

"She is doing better dear and thanks for the homemade soup it really perked her up."

"I'm so glad." I say as the doors open to the lobby. "Tell her I said hi and I hope to see her up and about soon." Mr. Black smiles and nods at me.

"Will do Rose. You two be careful on your walk." With that we parted ways and Goldy and I headed towards the dog park two blocks down from the apartment. Today will have to be a short visit since I have the mandatory meeting at work. Once at the park Goldy does her business and I clean it up before turning her free from the leash letting her play with her usual dog friends. I hang back near the fence watching as I'm not feeling very social today and keeping an eye on the time. Once the time hits 12:45 I whistle for Goldy and she comes running over.

"What a good girl Goldy." I say as I stroke her fur before hooking her leash back on her collar. We quickly make our way back to the apartment and once home I feed both of my babies before getting ready to head into work. I grab my work journal and head out hoping to get a Starbucks coffee before the meeting. Luckily there is a Starbucks on the same street as my job. I work for a magazine. I write the articles on the happening scenes and the things that go down at the hot new places plus the tips on sex and beauty. That's why I work nights as the party doesn't start until the evening. I enjoy the night life. Plus, it really helps me hook up with random people for sex when the burning and itching is too overwhelming to go on. I hate I'm like this, but I am grateful to have a job that helps me and none of my co workers are the wiser. After grabbing me a coffee and one for Janice I make my way into the building. I hate these mandatory meetings, but Chance insists on at least two a month and since I need the job I have to obey. I walk in with five minutes to spare and make my way over to Janice handing her the coffee.

"Thanks Rose. You know Chance wouldn't leave me alone until I called you."

"Yeah, I figured. I guess we better both head into the meeting." Thank goodness for Janice. She's the only friend I have here at work. The others are really annoying. We take our seats and wait for Chance to start the boring meeting.

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