School bathroom

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~~Cyno pov~~

Tighnari and I have been together for a while now, not in couple wise but in friends with benefits. He's the one who suggested it I was completely off guard when he told me about it, but for some reasons I was on board with it quickly.

We've only have done it once and since then I think I have feelings for Tighnari, He's sweet, Smart, and also kind. He takes care of every flower or plant, has his own garden and everything.

I'm known as one of the "hot guys" at my school for some reason. I don't see myself attractive, every valentine my locker be filled with chocolate. Anyways it's getting to time to get ready for school, I always start my morning off by working out.

I strip down and get in the shower, I wash my hair thoroughly because tighnari likes to play in it when were on our break in the school garden. No one usually goes there, it's pretty abandoned but tighnari found it and have been taking care of it for the past 3 years.

He even snuck in a sprinkler system... don't ask on how he did it. He only does it so when we're on breaks so the plants don't die.

I dressed into my usual sweat pants and muscle shirt with a zipped jacket, finish it with some crocs. I get my bag and leave. I brushed my teeth when I woke up already, I'll get breakfast at school.

Thanks to lady ningguang we have edible and seasoned food. I was walking out of my house when I get greeted by two Greenish-Brown eyes. "Well Good morning to you."

"Guess what! I found another mushroom in the school garden yesterday!" I keep walking keeping my eyes forward "Why are you so excited to see that?" "Well if you may know, Plants are my third favorite thing." I was curious what the other two is, Tighnari must've know I was thinking cause the next thing he said is "Well my first and second favorite thing is you and collei."

I could feel my cheeks and ears started to become red. I start to jog to school, Not from embarrassment but I don't want tighnari to see me like this...

When I got to the school I went ahead and put my backpack up and grabbed my phone, ear buds, and a pencil. And I head to class, Tighnari and I have a different classes, mostly because our career choices.

The only thing we have together is history and physics. First class I have is english which isn't to hard. We've been learning about poetry, helps me make more jokes.

I sat down in the back of the class and look out the window. I must've been zoned out a while because the next thing I know is kaveh smacking me on the back of my head.

"Pay attention, we have a test next week!" i scoffed and started to pay attention. Time passes and now it's about fourth period and it's finally almost time to go home. I was in geometry class and I get a text on my phone and it's from tighnari... which is weird.

Their talking on the phone (A/N)

Tighnari: Cyno?
Cyno: You're messaging me in class?

Tighnari: Yes, Can you just help me?

For some reason I felt like he needs my help for something totally weird...

Cyno: Where to meet you?
Tighnari: Upstairs in the restroom that's in the back of the school

That restroom has been out of order all year, and why is he in there?

Cyno: I'm on my way...

No one really goes there unless they want to smoke or sale things, usually on this day its empty. Why is tighnari there? ... Don't tell me kids started to bully him and did something to him!

I hurried and asked the teacher if I could use the restroom. I told her it's an emergency since someone is already out. She accepted and wrote me a pass.

I hurried out of the room and speeded towards the restroom. "Tighnari?" I hear whimpering, I looked around and see that the only stall closed is the last one.

I knocked on the door and a few seconds passed by and the door opened. Standing in front of me is tighnari, really blushed.

I asked if he was okay or if he's sick. "C-cyno~" did he just moan out my name? "Help me~" this have the smell of the alchemy club written all on it..

All of a sudden he touches my crotch "Just for a few seconds.." He pushed me to the wall and started to kiss me. I have to resist but, I like it when he's like this not gonna lie, Ha..Ha..

I kissed him back and it turned into a heated make out session, He jumps up and straddle my waist. I grinned on him as he moaned into the kiss.

He jumps down and undo my pants and slides both my undergarments and my pants, at this point my dick is hard. He gets on his knees and start to sucking me off, I groaned at the warm touch of his tongue.

Pre-cum starts to leak out while he sucks me off, He then makes a suction with his mouth and makes use of his tongue. "I'm gonna c-cum~" Before he could say something I cum in his mouth.

He swallows it and goes ahead get up and sits me on the toilet which isn't bad, Students do clean it up but they only get a prize if they do it. It varies from a gift card to a television.

I snapped out of my thoughts when he sits on cock and starts moving on top of it. I moaned when I felt him slid on it. Surprisingly I feel like he was loose, did he finger himself before I got here?

I start moving because I felt like imma cum soon, He moaned a little bit louder. I covered his mouth because we're still in school, He wasn't very helpful with the quietness.

I soon finished because I had a feeling that someone is going to walk through here soon. I pull him off as I felt like I was going to cum and start jacking off, I groaned quietly as I cum and it splattered everywhere.

Tighnari also came and it went in the wall. I hurried and put our clothes back on, and I took tighnari's hand and rushed out of their. From the corner of my eye I see someone walk into the restroom, a few seconds later I hear them say "Well.. It looks like someone got railed in here."

I blushed at hearing that, I walked down to the garden with Tighnari. I sit on the handmade bench where Tighnari made it, I look over and see Tighnari with a blushed face.

"Did we just fuck?" He asked, I smirked "We did, Why don't we do it again? I hated the fact that I had to rush it." Tighnari blushed a bit more "If you want to do it, Then later at you're house."

If you're wondering why specifically my house is because I own it and collei doesn't live there. "Fine." I responded. Tighnari gasped and looked at me saying "Did we just skip class?" "You just noticed?"

I saw how Tighnari looked tired, "If you're tired, Lay your head on shoulder." He leans over and closes his eyes, i look over to him and smiled.

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