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~~Albedo pov~~

Just a reminder every story in this book will be modern au

I just came home from the grocery store, I turn on the lights and set the bags down on the kitchen counter. Kaeya should be coming home anytime soon from work.

I go to my room to get in some comfortable clothes, I chose to just wear one of kaeya's work shirts with just underwear.

It's beginning to become more hot since it's the summer. I call mr. Draff to see how klee is doing since she told me she was gonna sleep over with Diona.

I know Draff have a drinking problem but he isn't like one of those problematic people, I rang their house phone and I hear Diona answer the phone.

"Hello mr. Albedo, is there anything you need?" She asks "Yes, How is klee doing?" "She's doing fine, we're playing tcg" She responds "I just wanted to check how everything is going, well have a good evening!" "You too mr. Albedo"

She hangs up the line and I go wash my hands so I can start dinner. I wanted to make beef tips with mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, and some macaroni.

It sounds delicious just thinking about it, I start by getting my pan and my beef tips. I grab my spatula and start adding a bit oil and turning on the stove.

I then add my beef tips and some seasoning, I mix it up and when it started to fully cook I took it off the stove and put the meat on a strainer.

I take some flour and a bit of olive oil and starts mixing, I add a bit of water. I mixed it together and add a bit more seasoning since there was some on the pan already.

And now my gravy is done! All I have to do is wait for it to thicken up. I take my can corn and add it in the pot and cook it, I make the macaroni, And the mashed potatos and I'm finished!

I just need to add the beef tips to the gravy, and I go wash my hands again. I then hear the door open, I run to the door and when it opened I go run up to kaeya and hug him.

"Welcome back home!" I then pampered him with kisses "Well hello, How was your day?" He asks me "It was good, I just finished dinner." He takes off his shoes and follows me to the kitchen "It looks amazing." I could tell he was staring at my butt but that fine.

"It's beef tips with mashed potatoes, corn, macaroni and gravy." He takes a fork and tries to eat off the stove, I stop him and tell him to get comfortable while I make the table up.

He obliged and went to our room, I made the table and poured our drinks. I gave both of us wine, I then set our plates on the table, I went to our room to tell Kaeya that dinner is ready to eat.

I opened our bedroom door and I see that he is putting on a tight t-shirt, I could see his abs which is hot I must say, "Dinner is ready to eat."

He hummed and he followed me downstairs, we sat down and prayed and thanked barbatos for the meal that we have.

I then looked to see if kaeya liked it, He takes a bite and he looked like he enjoyed it. "This tastes so good babe!" I chucked "Thanks."

~~After we eat~~

Through out the whole dinner we chatted and played a little, but most of it I was looking at kaeya's body structure. I will admit, I'm a little horny.. But who can blame me?

My boyfriend is hot as shit, he's a commander of the knights of favonius and he's also good with kids. Who wouldn't want someone like that?

I get up to wash the dishes and to my surprise kaeya said he will help. Usually he'll go to his office to do a little work first.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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