Chapter 3

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In darkness stars shine

Chapter 3

I thought bad guys are meant to be bad. Oh well. Best be dying now.

I had never really realized how painful pain could possibly be up until this point.
Most people are bound to feel some sort of intense pain in they're life time, but this pain is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It's the kind of pain you would rather die than endure any longer. The kind of pain you would think couldn't get any worse. But that's the funny thing about pain, the second you get used to it, life throws you a new curve ball, making it all so much more painful.

That's exactly What life decides to do to me the second I open my eyes.
All the lights around me feel far to bright, far to painful, stabbing into my head relentlessly. It's feels like a knife being driven into my skull, slowly being twisted simply for the joy of prolonging the pain.
I had felt pain before, just not like this. This was a pain that made you want to throw yourself off a cliff.
The kind of pain that makes your body convulse as it feels like you have no control over yourself.
The constant kind of pain refusing to vacate.

I can feel myself gasping for air as I ward off the darkness threatening my concise. 

"You good?" A voice saids some where near my side.

I'm not good.

I can't function with this pain. It's like a hot fire place poker being shoved into my brain over and over again.

I can't bring myself to respond.

I gasp trying to swallow as much air as possible.

It feels like I've been drowned then brought back to life. I feel broken. Nothing feels right, I have no control over myself, and all I can do is lay there in pain shaking.

My world is spinning, slowly falling apart around me. My body is on overdrive trying to keep me alive. My veins feel like fire, my lungs feel like they've been shoved full of cotton balls, and I can't stop shaking. Every breath hurts, every thought.

I squeeze my eyes shut praying for the pain to go away, pleading.

My mouth is so dry it feels impossible to say anything, but finally I'm able to rasp out four words.

"I Need help. Please."

I hadn't said those words in many years. I didn't have anyone to help me at home, there was no point for crying and wasting energy if no one will care.

The words feel so wrong, so raw. Far to real. A twang of emotion pushes up through the pain as the words slip through my lips.

I hadn't ment for those words to cut through me like a double edged blade, but man, they cut me right in half.

Tears begin to once again slip down my cheeks as I try to hold onto my conciseness. I can feel myself slipping away in my panic and pain as loud beeping monitors begin to go off around me. I want to scream to make the sound stop, to stop the hollow stabbing pains racking through my head, but all I can do is lie there with my eyes squeezed tightly shut as my breaths begin to get more and more constricted.

"Calm down." Someone soothes next to me placing a cold cloth across my burning forehead. "Your safe."

Safe? Oh gosh. I nearly vomit as all the memory's rush back to me in a moments notice. I had been kidnapped. Was I in a hospital? Maybe I just fell and hit my head?

But I can't take any chances.

Slowly I force my eyes to open pushing against the pounding in my head only to see a unfamiliar tan freckled face staring back at me with a serious look of panic.

I immediately squeeze my eyes back shut. It's just all to painful. The lights, the thoughts, the sounds. The prospect of having to deal with whatever the commotion moving all around the room around me is. I'm far to tired for all of this, yet I can't let go and fade back into the darkness, I couldn't be defenseless.

I let out a breath before forcing out two more words. "Everything hurts."

"Just breath." The voice soothes. "They're workin on making you feel better, ok? Your pain meds just ran out, you'll be ok, I promise, just hang in there. Don't pass out, ok?" 

I focus's in on the words forcing myself to listen and take them to heart. Don't pass out.

But everything just hurts. Everything throbs, and all I want to do is make it go away. All I want to do is to relax, yet every muscle in my body is tense. I feel like I'm on fire, acid running through my veins slowly corroding away at me, eating away at my flesh.

Dots flash across my vision as I force myself to open my eyes unable to focus on any one movement in the room around me. Everything is just a throbbing flash of motion, or a stabbing bright light.

I try not to scream when I feel a hand placed on my shoulder and something begin to be placed over my face, but I panic. I push away from the person immediately, nearly passing out from the throbbing pain that rushes through me. I try to thrash away from the hands holding me in place, yet collapse from panic and exhaustion as black fades in the corner of my vision.

"Shh, Calm down." The same voice soothes. "You'll be ok, you just need to rest."

No. No no no, I don't need rest, I need this pain to go away. I need to get the heck out of here, I need to stay awake. I can't let myself fade. I won't let myself. I can't. I can't, I plead with myself.

But All I can do is just lie there as a oxygen mask is placed over my nose and mouth, immediately clouding my head easing away the pain, pushing me deeper into the cloud of black fading over my vision.

"Please." I plead with the people around.

"Your ok." A voice saids.

And then I'm out.

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