Chapter 4: Three more Demi-gods

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Quackity's POV

I was in a meeting with Tubbo, Fundy, and Ranboo about the execution plans for Technoblade which I personally think is not a good idea. I don't really hate him but I just didn't like how he referred to Tommy as Theseus every time since I'm quite familiar with that particular Greek hero since I myself am of Greek descent being the son of Hermes, the messenger of the Olympian gods. Yesterday, Sapnap and I got a message from Karl where he told us that he was on his way back to Camp Oasis with Tommy. He also told us about what happened which made me have to hold onto Sapnap to stop him from heading over to where Dream was at and kill him. I still remember what happened yesterday.


I was with Sapnap in the house that I shared with him and Karl, just hanging out. Karl had gone to see Tommy in his exile place. We could have come with him but it was risky since he was doing it secretly and if the both of us went with him, they might get suspicious even though we’re literally engaged to each other. I was cuddling with Sapnap on the sofa when we got a private message from Kalr which made us look at it.

KarlJacobs: I’m heading back to Camp Oasis with Tommy. I can’t let him stay there for too long

Sapnap: What happened? Is Tommy okay?

KarlJacobs: He’s covered in burns and cuts but once we get to a village far from there, I’ll start tending to them

Quackity: What the f*** Did Dream do?

KarlJacobs: Turns out he’s been destroying all of Tommy’s stuff that he gathered. His camp site was completely destroyed, everything was blown up

Sapnap: That b****, I’m going to kill him!!

I put down my communicator after reading Sapnap’s reply and immediately held him.

“Let me go Quackity, I’m going to freaking burn him to a crisp!!” he said, struggling to get out of my grip.

“Sapnap, no. Remember what your dad told you, you can’t use your flames to harm mortals” I said which seemed to work as he stopped struggling.

“That bastard, we never should have waited this long to make our move” he said while growling as his eyes changed into a mixture of red and orange, the colors of fire. His hair had also changed into flames which moved to the wind.

“I know. But maybe now is the right time to get the other three. Karl already has Tommy and they’re already on their way to camp” I said in which he sighed.

“You do realize that we’ll have to tell them about their parentage,right?” he asked, which made me nod.

“I know but we’ll have to do it if we want to get them out of here” I said as I grabbed my communicator again.

Quackity: You and Tommy head to the camp first. Sapnap and I will follow with the other three

KarlJacobs: Alright, don’t take too long

Sapnap: We won’t. Take care of Tommy

KarlJacobs: I will. See you guys at the camp. Love you two and stay safe

Quackity: Love you too

Sapnap: Love you too

Karl: Oh yeah, before I forget, turns out Tommy is Tenshi's kid so that makes him Izanagi's descendant. Okay see you guys

The both of us were surprised with the last message before looking at each other.

"I guess that answers that question in our heads" I said making him nod. Right after that, we put our communicators away before looking at each other before nodding our heads. We then headed off to find Purpled, Fundy, and Ranboo.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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