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"who are you?" you asked as he stepped towards you

"the best time of your life" he replies

he presses his body agents yours and grabs your wrist tightly that causes you to drop the knife," he kicks it away with his foot.

"what do you want?" 

"I want to fuck you, do as I say and I wont kill you deal?" 

"what if you kill me after you get what you want?" 

"I'm a man of my word sweetheart, I promise." 

"okay then you wont kill me after this"

"no I wont as long as you do what I say"

he lifts his mask up just enough to kiss my lips. his lip trails down to my neck I let out a soft moan and he seemed to enjoy that because we moved to the couch and he took my clothes off while kissing me

"come" I walk with him to move to the sofa, he sits down taking his shirt off, the only thing he is left in is his jeans and mask he pats his lap while looking at me, I start to walk up to him but all I can think about it kylie walking in. I didn't want her to walk in on what was going on, he seemed to be reading my mind, he looks at me 

"kylies fine she's in bed sleeping she will be out for a while because of the sugar rush, she to top it off she made it worse by running around, so no need to worry and your mother needed to go to a cafe in town for more bread" 

I didn't know what to do it was odd I felt safe with him and I don't know what this feeling was I never felt safe around people. he looks at me and pulls me over top of him. he pulls his mask up just enough for me to kiss him I lean in and start to kiss him. he seems taken aback from this but kisses back and starts to skin his hands onto your ass while squeezing. you started to moan a little bit while he was squeezing your ass.  you knew he liked that because you felt him get a bit hard. 

you start to unbuckle his belt and he pulls his pants off while kissing you still. you grab his dick and he grunts while slipping his tongue into the kiss, you start to pump his your hand up and down his dick while you felt his tongue lurking inside your mouth you pulls away from the kiss while biting your lip and kissing down to your neck giving you hickeys along the way. 

"put it in luv" as soon as you hear him say this your tummy does a huge flip his voice is so deep it sounds so addictive so seductively awful you know you could get into trouble for this but right now you thought to cry about it later because right now your busy. 

you put his tip in and do a slight moan as you slowly put it down deep inside of you, your walls start to clench around him as you get wetter every second. it makes it easier for him to pump in and out of you. 

"your so wet sweetheart" you start to blush and your walls start to clench around his dick harder he thrusts harder into you each time you moan, each time he grunts you try to go faster then he is.

you both try to moan silently so you don't wake up kylie but its hard for you to do because he just feels so good. 

"I'm gonna" your not able to finish because you came on his dick and moaned so loud he had to cover your mouth so that you didn't wake up kylie to early. he kept thrusting into you one had on your hip and the other on on mouth to keep you from moaning.

you switched positions he is laying down and your on top facing him. you were technically bouncing on top of him, you felt his dick twitch inside of you, you knew he was close and by this time you didn't care about the deal or promise he made with you at all you didn't even stop to think about it you just kept going. 

"luv I'm cumming"  he pulled you off him and finished on your stomach. his cum landed on your stomach his stomach and on your hands, he got up and licked you clean then started to put his clothes on 

"we well meet again luv" you got butterflies when he said this you were happy but sad that he was leaving 

"at least he's coming back" 

Ghostface x yn (Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now