First day of school

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You woke up and ghostface wasn't there, you didn't expect him to stay, you knew he had to leave, you got up and had a shower washing your hair and then styling it, you put on your make up and get ready to leave 

"morning" your mum says not looking at you
"morning ma" you say and grab some money and leave, you walked to school

Kisha: Hey, y/n wait up
Y/n: hey how you doing?
Kisha: good, watcha listing to?
Y/n: grind with me
Kisha: by pretty ricky?

you nod your head (STOP ITS A GOOD SONG) Kisha smiles, you both walk to class and sat down, you were listing to songs through your airpods, you looked out the window and saw ghostface, you swore you saw him, you asked to go to the bathroom

Teacher: what?
Y/n: can I go bathroom?
Teacher: you cant hold it?
Y/n: no?
techer: fast 

you go to the toilet and as soon as you walk in your pulled into one of the stalls, it was ghostface, he started kissing down your neck, you moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck 

"I miss you" he says and slid his hand down your cargo pants and started rubbing your clit, you were already wet and he chuckled "already soaking for me?" I says and you cant help but blush, "I'll go slow" he whispers in your ear, he slides a finger in you, you gasp and put your face in his neck, he added another finger and started to go a faster, your head fell back in pleasure as he went faster and your grip on him got tighter until you came on his fingers, "good girl" he whispers in your ear and sucks on his fingers, 

//Time Skip//

"where were you?" Your friend Lisha asked you "bathroom" you kept walking to where you always sit for break one, Lisha sat down with you, you couldnt get your mind off what you had done in the bathroom, after break one was over you needed to go home, when you got home you walked to room and as soon as you walked in you saw him the one and only ghostface sitting on your bed "back so soon?" he asked, he stood up and grabbed your waist pulling you in for a kiss, "I missed you" you say to him, you didn't even know what he looks like and your already falling in love with him, why?, you asked yourself, 

why were you falling in love with somebody you have never seen before? 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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