the mall

682 8 4

"come here yn, I don't have all day I want this one" kylie started to point at the dress she wanted to wear for her friends party next week. "that one, you sure you don't want this one" you started to point at a unicorn dress.

"ew no its so babyish I'm 8 I think I should wear something more grown up" 

"kylie your 8 not 18, this one is good I'm getting this one for you" 

"no I don't want it stop making me I'll tell mum" 

"Fine goddamn, fatty mc faggot" 

"MUMMMMM" kylie started to call your mum over as your mum was walking over you quickly got the dress that kylie wanted and ran over to kylie and your mum with the dress in the bag 

"mum Yn said that-, KYLIE look what I got for you!," you cut her off before she could say anything else because you didn't want your phone taken away

"awww Yn that's so sweet of you say thank you kylie"

//time skip//

you and kylie where watching the catfish show on MTV channel 15 

"oh he ugly as fuck," kylie got that from you  "kylie you can't swear I'll get into trouble"

"okay?? is he not? what's his name Dan Danna?" 

"what are you two watching?" your mum had asked while walking into the room on her phone 

"catfish thing mum" kylie said as she changed the channels to 100 (nick music) she then changed it back to 15 after 10 minutes (all star shore was on) 

'i feel like I see Iza as a friend, so I need to talk to her about it before I flirt with other people' the tv was playing and drama was starting 

"kylie change it to 101 or 102" your mother said as you went up stairs to have a shower and get ready for bed as your mum ordered take outs just then you turned around to see him ghost face again this time instead of getting ready you were happy he was here you felt nervous around him like you didn't want to mess anything up around him because you felt that if you did he would not like you anymore so you tried your best to act normal but do it better this time   

Ghostface x yn (Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now