ungrateful brat (smut again)

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"kylie you wanted pancakes it takes time"

"I want it now though" kylie starts to bang on the counter and cry

"okay fine here have your first three" you give kylie a plate of fluffy pancakes with a noncooked middle part, you can tell on kylies face that she loves it but kylie does not know how to show it so instead she says this "it taste like caca toes" 

"kylie I spent 5 minutes finding the perfect batch, 10 getting everything together, and 15 to make it for you to say that it taste like shit?" "uh yeah it does to be honest sorry not sorry Yn" "ungrateful brat"  just at that moment you felt a cold breeze from the window you go up to it to close it but just then you saw him again Ghostface you blushed and closed the window turning back to kylie who was staring at you the whole time "you look like you have seen a ghost Yn" "you could say that?" you said as you walked passed her going to your room.

you turned to shut the door behind you and when you turned back there he was Ghostface sitting on your bed, "Good morning luv" "morning?" "YN YOU ATE ALL THE PANCAKES YOU SELFFISH HORSE" 

kylie yelled at the top of her lungs so that she could be sure that you heard her from your room "oh yeah the pancakes are so good nice work" he gets up and walks over to you and cups your face.

"you know you are very pretty in that outfit but I think it would look better on the floor, don't you think?" you started to blush to what he said you started to feel yourself getting wetter by the second you couldn't help yourself after what happened last night you wanted to feel that feeling everyday, it was like a drug to you that you shouldn't get enough of, you need more of it everyday, you need him everyday.

he lifted his mask up just revealing his lips you kissed him and pulled him closer to you, he picked you up and took you to the bed, he was laying on the bed and you where on top of him, you started to take your clothes off and throw them on the floor. Ghost face started to rub your clit "your soaking wet" he says while looking at you, he started to take his coat and jeans off all that's left on him is his mask that was lifted enough to kiss his lips, you started to grind on him you felt him get hard underneath you. 

"fuck me please" you whisper into his ear, this turns him on because he turn to put you on all fours and grabs your ass putting his dick into your clit, you started to moan softly, he used one hand to cover your mouth and the other to grab your ass. "gentle" you try to say as he is pulling in and out of you at just above average speed, "I'm not gentle sweetie" he states as he smacks your ass you yelp but he covers your mouth to keep you silent. "you feel so good" he started to go faster and harder into you. 

"oh fuck, I'm gonna cum" you say in between moans, "come for me baby" he started to thrust harder into you. he started to hit your g spot making you cum, you came on his dick "fuck I'm close" he started to whimper as he went harder " inside" "what?" he said confused "inside please" he started to thrust his hips into you harder but slowed down his pace a little bit "I like it when you beg,  do it again" 

you got wet by this and that made is easier for him to pull in and out of you " I need you please cum inside me cum inside of me please" you started to moan out and he came inside of you, the feeling of his warm cum inside of you felt good you both collapsed onto the bed, you were not able to walk for a few hours after that but didn't want your mum knowing so you just said you were not hungry.  

Ghostface x yn (Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now