the night before school

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"YN" your mum was calling your name out but you didn't respond because you where listening to music while cleaning your room, your mother then stomped up stairs took your phone and stopped the music and threw it on the floor 



"did you ge-"

"get ready for school yeah, I washed and dried my clothes for tomorrow and its hanging up in the closet, I cleaned my room and I have money for lunch, I also cleaned the whole house including your room bathroom, every room in this house is clean and the pipes too." you were so confident about saying how you had deep cleaned the whole house

your mum walked out the room and opened her bottom draw that was locked, she took out a mini box that says use if no complaining can be complained about she open the box and took out a pair of Kylies dirty socks and your necklace out that you thought you had lost she then threw it on the floor and called your name from down stairs 

"YNN, GET HERE RIGHT NOW" you ran downstairs to see what you had missed your mother was standing right by the socks and necklace "looks like you forgot about this huh?"

you scoffed and looked at your mother in disbelief "ma that is so so cute that you think you can get away with that" you walked down stairs and took a small camera out from a small plant on the mini table 

"here you go ma" you said as you played the video of her running over and dropping the things on the floor then call your name out 

"I raised you so well" your mum said as she walked out of the room "hey ma put these back"

"no you do it your the closest yn" 

"mumm" you whine as you picked up your necklace and your sisters socks to put them away 

as you walked into your room you saw your window was open so you closed it turned around and walk to your walk in closet and again he was there sitting down on the soft chair that you sit on to put your heels on or your sneakers 

you were wearing a small tank top that had the word "slut" on it spelt out in pink rhinestones along with loose hello kitty pj pants and pink sneaker slippers, 

"you look cute" you blushed a bit from what he said and used ur phone to cover the fact that you were blushing 

"what are you doing here?" you asked still covering your face 

"what I always do when I come here" he got up and walked over to you grabbing you by the waist using his over hand to bring the phone down from your face.

 you used your hand to lift his mask up just a bit and he leaned in to kiss you, you kissed him back and he slipped his tongue into the kiss you let out a slight moan and he pulls you closer you can feel he is hard but you don't do anything just yet.

 he kisses down you your neck leaving hickeys along your neck just then kylie burst into your room and yells your name. you quickly pull him around the corner of your closet and cover him with your dresses that you never wear you run out and walk over to kylie

"wassup did you need anything?" she starts to scan the room not looking at you after about a minute of her scanning the room she looks at you at says 

"I need your makeup" you look at her confessed and ask why you start to guess why and the first thing that comes to mind is that she has a crush on somebody from class and is going on a call with them tonight in 1 hour and you were right 

//time skip 3 minutes//

you gave kylie your make up and told her to watch a video about how to do light make up she ran out of them room with a happy look  on her face, 

you turn around to go to where you hid ghost face, you moved the dresses out of the way and got on top of him, he lifted his mask to reveal his lips and the both of you started to kiss each other before things got heated. 

The two of you got up and you jumped on to him as he grabbed you the walked over to your bed. he placed you down onto your bed and started to slip his hands under your tank top the took your tank top off and stopped kissing you and started to suck on your left boob you left out a soft moan and he moved down to kiss down to your waist leaving hickeys along the way 

"YN" you mum had called from down stairs you look mad and got up you put your tank top over your boobs then walked out of the room telling him to wait there 

"yes mum?" you yell as you walk down the stairs and into the living room where she was sitting

"can you pass me the remote"  you where pissed because the remote was right in front of her, you walked over to her passing her the remote then walking upstairs to your room, 

as you walked into your room a hand covered your mouth and the door closed, it was Ghostface, he lifted the mask just enough to kiss you, you kissed him wrapping your arms around his neck and he moved his hands down to your waist, one hand on your waist gripping it firmly the other sliding down into your loose silk shorts gripping your ass tightly, you moan slightly and you feel his dick harden, he picks you up and tosses you on the bed taking his clothes off, you do the same, he is now just left in his mask stroking himself as he walks closer to you, you started blushing and looked away, you didn't realize how big he was until now

"you look so cute when you blush" he says pinning you down onto the bed and kissing you, you moaned into the kiss and without warning he thrusted into you, you were about to scream but he covered your mouth thrusting harder inside you, his right hand covering your mouth while his left hand was squeezing your nipple, he removed his hand and kissed you thrusting hard inside of you, muffled moans and screams of pleasure coming from you and Ghostface. 

"fuck I'm cumming" you whimper and he chuckled, he went faster getting deeper inside of you, 
"fuck I'm close" he says, you came on his cock, he didn't stop though when you came he thrusted harder, he didn't stop, he came deep inside of you while kissing you, you both were panting for air.

he tucked you into bed after cleaning you up and putting you in one of your oversized shirts, he laid next to you holding you close, you fell asleep in his arms the bed was still a bit wet from both of your guys cum but that didn't matter right now.


Ghostface x yn (Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now