2.hickey prank 2/2 (M)

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Tae ripped kooks t-shirt and sucked his nipple and then he took off his pants and turned him around and said..

T: I will not prepare you because you've been a very bad boy (smirk)

And without any warning he slammed his 10 inches cock in kooks poor hole

K:A-ahhhhhhh da-dddy feels so good Ahhhhhhhhh!!!

T:you feel so good and so tight baby ugh!

K:uhhhh ahh mmm da-ddy I am gonna come but...

Tae put his thumb on the tip of kooks cock so he could not cum

K:A-ahhhhhhh daddy let me cum pls ahhh da-ddy mmmh

T:NO!you will cum after I tell you

And then after some powerful thrusts he came very deep inside kook and let go of kooks cock an let him cum

T:tired already,I am still not done.I am gonna fuck you until you get pregnant and then he slammed his cock again and that night was long.tae fucked kook until morning....

      NEXT MORNING 10:00 AM

Tae woke up and saw a pouty bunny sleeping in his chest.he kissed his pouty lips and kook woke up...

T:Good Morning baby (boxy smile)


T:come on baby,it was only thirty rounds. I was thinking of doing it in the morning again..

K:Shut up I can't even walk now.how am I supposed to clean the house

T:don't worry baby your hubby is here he will help you out and looking at your body I think you won't be able to walk for a month.

K: aww thank you hubby I love you (pecked his lips)

T: I love you too and he kissed kook which turned into a hot makeout session and well..they fucked again and they did 10 more rounds.

And after a few days kook found out he is pregnant and he surprise tae and they were so happy and 9 months later they had twins well ofc cuz of all the fuckings they did while kook was pregnant and they lived a happy life

                       THE END

ok guys!that's the end of "hickey prank"oneshot I hope you guys like my story and please follow me. Thank you and love you guys🥰🥰🥰

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