18: Scared To Tell His Pregnant

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Jungooks pov

Me and Tae has been dating for 3 years now. A few days ago I was not feeling good so I  went to the hospital when tae was at work. I found out that I am  pregnant. And I am scared to tell Tae.

End of kooks pov

Morning time

T: Good Morning baby (boxy smile)

J: (yawn) good morning (smile)

And the day went by...

Jungkooks POV

Tae went to work so I took my file that says that I am pregnant and went to the hospital for a check up. When I came home I was shocked when I saw Tae came home already...

J: t-ae (hides the file behind his back)

T: what did you just hide? Let me see

J: n-o it-s no-th-ing

Tae was getting mad

T: jungkook, let me see ( mad)

J: I t-ol-d y-ou it-s no-th-ing

And Tae lost it so he pinned kook to the wall and kissed him. Kook was melting into the kiss and Tae slowly took the file from kooks hand

T: hah, got it! (Open the file)

The file: 10/23/2023
Congratulations Mr jeon you are 1 week pregnant. Pls come for a check up in 10/29/2023.

T: y-our pr-eg-na-nt ( stuttering)

J: I- I- I a-m v-e-ry so-rry

T: wh-y di-d-nt y-ou t-ell m-e

J:  I- th-ought y-ou w-i-ll le-av-e m-e (crying)

T: baby you should have told me earlier

J: I am sorry. It's ok if you wanna leave me I can take care of the child

T: shh don't say that, baby I am so happy but you need a punishment for not telling me (smirk)

J: I-

T: hold on I will be back

Tae took out his phone and dialed the doctors number


T: Hey doc, it's me jungkooks boyfriend

D: oh yes can I help you?

T: doc can kook have hard sex during his pregnancy?

D: ahh yes he can but don't do it everyday. Twice a week is ok

T:ok doc thanks for letting me know.

And Tae smirked and said " baby I am gonna wreck you tonight"

At night:

Taekook was watching the movie when suddenly Tae throwed kook over his shoulder.

J: what are you doing put me down!

T: sorry baby, remember when I said I am gonna punish you (smirked)

Tae throw him to the bed and hovered over him and started giving hickies to kook

J:mm ta-e

T: its DADDY babyboy (smirk)

And Tae took off all there clothes and slammed his 16 inches cock inside kook

Ahh ye-s ngh ahh

And they came and did it all night

Next morning

J: ahh my back

T: (smirk)

J:don't smirk you meanie

T: (chuckled) aww baby I am sorry

J: (pout)

T: don't do that I am gonna lose control again and fuck you the whole day

J:ok sorry

T: I love you baby

J: I love you too

And they lived happily ever after

THE END 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

Ok guys that's it for this oneshot. Lemme know what u guys think. Bye love you guys 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💋💋💋💋💋

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