8: Period

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Hey guys! In this oneshot jungkook will have period. Some people say boys don't get period but they do. And I don't like writing jungkook as a girl. I hope you guys understand


                     Jungkook POV

I woke up feeling a very bad pain in my abdomen. I looked at the calender in my phone and saw today is my period date.

J: Fuck! I forgot about it.

I got up and saw a lot of blood in the bedsheets. I cleaned up and got ready for school.

Jk/m: Good Morning honey, eat breakfast,I made pancakes!

J: No thanks mom, I am good.

Jk/m: honey, are you in your periods?

J: (sigh) yeah mom,how did you know?

Jk/m:baby, I am your mom I can understand you baby. And you have to eat or your stomach is also gonna hurt

J: I love you mom .

Jk/m: I love you too baby, now eat

After he ate he's mom dropped him of to school. He went to his locker but someone pinned him to the locker it was his bully taehyung.

T: what's up nerd!

                          Tae's POV

I saw my baby look so pale and tired.i feel so bad,I want to hug him and ask him if he is ok but my stupid heart is telling me not to.

End of taes POV

J: leave me alone pls!

Tae just walked away and jungkook was shocked cuz Tae never did that. He shooked it of and went to his class.

Prof: Good Morning class.please open your books to page 234. And class went on.then the bell rang which meant it was lunch time.everyone went to the cafeteria and ate

Jungkooks POV

I went outside and sat in the bench and closed my eyes but someone spilled water on my hair and I already know who that is

J: what do you want Tae.

T: what's wrong with you today,you are not fighting back.

J: just leave me alone.

And jungkook left from there But something caught taes eyes. He saw blood stain on jungkook's pants and told him to wait

T: jungkook wait!


I was caught of guard when Tae wrapped a jacket in my waist and whispered in my ear to come with him to the bathroom

T: your on your period right?

J: (embarrassed)

T: hey hey baby, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. You have pads?

J: N-o I f-or-g-o-t

T: baby, it's ok

J: how is it not embarrassing, I got it in front of my bully

T: shh it's ok, now I am going to run to the convenience store to get the pads for you ok

J: wait, I didn't bring money tho.

T: baby  you don't have to pay for it

J: thanks Taetae (bunny smile)

Then Tae smiled and went to the convenience store and bought pads for jungkook and they skipped school and went to taes house.

T: well.. this is my house

J: Wow your house is a mansion.

T: hmm let's go to my bedroom.

They went there and jungkook layed down in the bed.

T: kook I have something to say.

J: oh what is it?

T: kook from the very first time I saw you I knew you were the one. I bullied you because I wanted to get closer to you. I am very sorry for everything I have done.pls forgive me and I love you very much. It's ok if you don't love me,I just wanted to let you know

But kook smashed there lips together and Tae was shocked but then he also wrapped his hands around kooks waist tightly and they had a hot makeout session.

J: I love you too Tae.

T: fuck, I want to wreck you but your on your period but that doesn't mean I won't wreck you when your done with your period (smirk)

J: tae stop (blushing)

And they cuddled and then went to there dreamland


Alright guys that's it!! Please comment your thoughts on this. I would love to here them and please follow me 😁
And stay safe everyone. LOVE YOU GUYS

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