15. best friends to lovers

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Jungkook and taehyung has been best friends ever since they were born.
Read to see what is going to happens
When they get locked up in a room....

J: bitch, hurry up we are going to be late!

T: jeez I'm coming

And they went to school and sat together in the seats

J: hey you wanna come to my house so that we can do our homework.

T: man, you don't have to tell me cuz I was gonna come anyways. (Laugh)

Professer: Mr. Kim and jeon! Why are you guys talking during my class. One more time and you both will go to detention.

Taekook: yes sir

And they were talking again and the teacher lost it


Taekook: yes sir (embarrassed)

And they went out and were blaming each other

J: seriously bitch, ( with a done face)

T: what the fuck! It wasn't my fault

J: whatever let's go

And they went to the detention

Detention teacher: since it's the only the two of you, clean this classroom

J: yes ma'am

T: yes sir, I - I mean ma'am

Dt: whatever I am going home and just go home after cleaning

Taekook: yes ma'am

And they were done cleaning and when kook went to open the door the door was locked.

J: um, ta-e the door is locked

T: what! no way let me see

And Tae tried it and it was locked

T: FUCKING SHIT! what do we do?

J: idk let's just wait

T: kook it's Friday and everyone will come to school on Monday

J: shit,fuck, goddammit.

T: cussing won't help ( Laugh)

Then it was 9:00 pm

J: fuckkkkkk, I am so hungry taee (whining like a baby)

T: hmm... I have 2 protein bars

J: just fucking give me one

And they ate and it was kinda awkward for them. Then at 3:00 am they slept. Then kook woke Tae up and told him

J: Tae I a-m c-old (shivering) c-an y-y-ou hu-g m-e

T: ofc no problem. You should have told me earlier. ( open his arms to embrace him)

And kook jumped to him and hugged him tightly and his body was hot

T: shit! Kook u have a fever

J: this is not a good time to have a fever

T: hmm.. ( took of his shirt and took of kooks shirt

J: t-ae w-hat a-re y-ou d-oi-ng

T: shhh, I am gonna give you my body heat.

( I am very sorry if this doesn't make sense)

And then kook leaned to taes body and felt very comfortable

J: Wow your so warm ( bunny smile)

T: (chuckled) good

And kook was sleeping like a baby with a pout and he opened his eyes and saw Tae was staring at him

And Tae could not resist him and kissed him

J: wh- mmmm

Kook was shocked but melted into the kiss. Tae bit his lips but kook didn't open so he pinched his waist and kook moaned and Tae took the change to enter his tongue exploring the wet cavern of kook

J: mmm

And Tae left his lips swollen.

T: your tasty baby (smirk)

J: sh-ut u-p

T: baby, I love you so much ever since we were 12 years old. I felt like I would never have you and when you talk to other guys I get jealous. Baby pls give me your love ( teary eyes)

J: t-ae shhh don't cry. I love you too

T: fuck, I wanna pounce on you right now but can't. I will do that when we are out of here (smirk)

J:( blushing)

T: I love you baby ( boxy smile)

J: I love you too ( bunny smile)

And taekook drifted to there dreamland

THE END 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

Hey guys what do you think about this oneshot. Lemme know in the comments. If you guys have any suggestions let me know in the comments. I would try my best to make them. So pls lemme know

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