14. Ignoring Boyfriend Prank (M)

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Jeon Jungkook

Age- 21

Has a boyfriend Kim Taehyung


Kim Taehyung

Age 25

Has a boyfriend jeon jungkook


It was an early morning and a beautiful couple was sleeping while holding each other.

J: Good Morning world. (Yawn)

Tae kissed his neck making hickies

J: mmmh T-ae w-hat a-re y-ou d-oi-ng

T:shh baby, let me enjoy my breakfast (smirk)

J: s-t-op t-ae (blushing)

After Tae was done eating his breakfast they both went to shower together

J: baby what do you want for breakfast?

T: waffles!

J: (giggles) ok sure (smile)

Kook made breakfast and they both fed each other.

T: ok baby I promise to come early and take you out. Now give my kiss

J: (kissed his lips) ok Baby be safe

And Tae went. At 9:00 Tae came home and kook was fuming.

J: I thought you said your gonna come home early (teary eyes)

T: I am sorry baby I had so many meetings and work.

J: whatever eat dinner and go to sleep

And kook went to bed and slept

Next morning

J: I woke up and decided to ignore Tae to see his reaction. Yes I already forgive him but I want to see his reaction

T: Good Morning baby (closed eyes)

Kook just got up and went to do his morning routine. Tae was confused. After breakfast kook was cleaning the house when two arms snaked around kooks waist

T: babyyyyy pls stop ignoring me (teary eyes)

But kook just let go of his arms and went to the other room. Kook wanted to laugh so bad but he has to keep up the act

At night 7:00

Jungkooks POV

I came home after I went to chims house
But I heard sobs in our bedroom. So I went and saw Tae was crying and saying " I a-m so-rry ba-by I wo-nt b-e l-ate a-gain p-ls

End of kooks pov

J: Tae Tae what's wrong why are you crying

T: b-aby I- I- I pr-om-is-e I- I- I w-ill n-ot b-e la-te. Bu-t p-ls don-t i-g-n-o-r-e m-e p-ls

J: babe, it was just a prank I already forgive you. I am sorry I made u cry

T: it wa-s a p-rank (shocked)

J: mhmm sorry

T: you deserve a punishment (smirk)

J: I- I- a-m sorry

T: sorry



Tae took out both off there pants and thrusted his dick making kook scream like he'll.

J: ahhhhhhhhhhh! F-uck qhhh y-es de-eper yes ahhh de-eper

T: damn it, fuck your so tight

J: d-add-y!!

T: yes babyboy

J: pls s-top i-ts h-ur-t-i-ng ahh

T: sorry babyboy, I am gonna fuck the daylight out of you and make you not walk for months (smirk)

And Tae did not give a break to kook and they did 70 rounds.

Next morning

J: ahh fuck my back mm

T: (smirk) hah what it's hurting?

J: Shut up don't smirk like that

T: ok sorry, don't worry baby I will do anything for you.

J: thank you baby (bunnysmile)

T: (boxy smile) I love you

J: I love you too

And they kissed and enjoyed there life

THE END 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

hey guys I am sorry I have been busy. Don't worry I am done with my exams and I am free so I can make oneshots now😁😁😁😁. Ok guys bye love u guys

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