33. Married To My Best Friend

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Kim Jungkook

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Kim Jungkook

Age: 24

Taehyung's husband



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Kim Taehyung

Age: 27

Jungkook's husband


Jungkook's pov

Ever since I got married to taehyung, our relationship has changed.we are best friend that got married together. we hardly talk to each other. We only got married for the company. I honestly love him so much tho. Anyways I have to wake Tae up.

End of Jungkook's pov

At taehyungs room (yea they sleep separately)

J: Tae, get up its 6:20

T: hm

J: I am gonna make breakfast

T:hm ok

Then tae went to do his morning routine and went down stairs and saw kook was making breakfast for them

Taehyung's pov

Thinking: he looks so cute that makes me wanna pounce on him so badly. I love u baby

End of taes POV

J: gm

T: gm

J: Here is breakfast

T: thanks

Then they ate breakfast silently but Tae broke the silence.

T: jungkook we are gonna visit our parents. Mom called me before I came here.

J: ohh ok when

T: we will go tomorrow so pack your bags. We are gonna stay there for 2 weeks.

J: Wow! 2 weeks!

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