-8- 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐

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A/n: Since the premier, you had no movies you decided to take a role for, so, what best to waste time then traveling?
This should be interesting enjoy your read!!


Jazz music could be heard throughout your estate followed by laughter and chatter, echoing.

"Uh, uh. Your such a liar, how could you possibly not known? I'm surprised you're even alive and they didn't eat you!" You exclaimed out, your head lying on the stomach of a familiar body.

"Mhm, believe it or not I did swim with alligators. I didn't know until I had gotten back on the boat." Cate replied matter of factly.
You laughed and shook your head slightly, " So, what's next?" The blonde asked.— Lifting your head to where now your chin was on the stomach of the blonde meeting her gaze.
"What do you mean?" You questioned.

"Well since the premiere, you hadn't been working and I just wanted to know your thoughts" She shrugged it off.— you hummed and rested your head back on her stomach, she continuing to massage your scalp, you then started speaking up. "I don't know honestly" You start. "I have gotten loads of scripts in my inbox, read two. Didn't peak my interest. So I'll read more later than decide, but, I was thinking about traveling." You stopped.

"Hmm, where to?" She inquired.—" I was thinking Japan or Singapore I saw lovely photos of the two countries and decided to, I don't know go vacation there" You stated.

"That sounds lovely" Cate muttered out almost sad, you had a feeling that might've been a reaction. "You can come with me" You offered, smiling against her lower body Cate humming with confusion. "Like a girls trip, or a romantic getaway" You elaborated looking back up to the blonde.

"Romantic get away?" She mocked jokingly. "Shut up!" You'd nudged her. "So?" You implied wanting her thoughts.—"Of course I'll come, I'll tell Andrew it's like a girls trip" She agreed smiling.

You leaned forward giving her a peck on the cheek pulling back, her groaning eagerly wanting more than just a peck. "That's that, it's settled five day romantic getaway in Singapore" You cheered cheesing.

"I love you" Cate whispered, looking into your eyes, with your cheeks getting warmer "I love you more" You chimed.

Pulling you up, the two of you began making out the jazz music now feeling your ears, and the warmth of Cate warming your body.


Walking through the outstanding airport of Singapore, surprisingly there was no paparazzi. That was going to make this trip even better, exiting out and seeing the beautiful architecture of all the skyscrapers and buildings it was lively and lovely. Getting into the black suv that was assigned for you and Cate, the bodyguards putting you guys suitcase in the trunk now getting in and driving off.
       Seeing all the architecture up close and greenery on your drive was amazing, you guys now checked into your hotel, entering the suite.
You guys instantly threw your belongings on the floor tired from the jet-leg, "Cate" You spoke tiredly.
     "Yes hun?" She answered tiredly lying on the bed.— "I'm going to shower, then get into bed. Okay?" You muttered.

She hummed in response, turning the faucet on you began removing the clothing from your body putting them into a pile, neatly.
          Stepping into the shower letting the hot droplets console your body you closed your eyes, feeling yourself relax— Next feeling hands on your waist and a kiss on your neck.
Laughing tiredly  "I thought you were asleep" You nagged.
"I was" Cate spoke, then placing another kiss on your neck "But, I wanted to be with you" She explained. You chuckled at her affection.

You turned to where your fronts were meeting each other now leaning your head on her chest, staying like that before you began to lather up.
Finishing your shower the two of you got out, you were going to head to the other the bedroom for privacy until "Where you going?" Cate asked.— "To the other room, why?" You responded throwing a question of your own back innocently.
     Cate shook her head and put a hand out for you to take "No, come sleep with me" She offered. Which you took she led you too the bed she was on once before, laying down first, she pulled you on top of her. You let a grunt followed by a laugh.

"Good night, I love you" You spoke.— "I love you more my love, good night" Cate countered, turning around to cuddle, her arms around you and yours around her. You drunk in the sound of her breathing before the sleep swallowed you.

The last three days were amazing, leaving just two days to spend in Singapore, today being the fourth day you guys were heading to the door.

*Knock knock*

You turned just now putting on your jacket, "Hey, you ready to go?" Cate asked, opening the door to see you fully. —"Yea I am just let me put on some perfume" You replied grabbing your bottle of Sí perfume.
   Cate walked forward wrapping her arms around you from behind, as one would do in a prom photo, swaying you side to side before pecking your cheek. "You look amazing dear" The blonde spoke heartily.

You chuckled "Thank you" You turned your head to meet her lingering gaze "You do too, you look stunning" You elaborated.
Heading out the suite and making it down the lift, you guys got into the black vehicle and was escorted to the Singaporean zoo.

Stepping out the smell of the animals slapped you both in the face, but getting your tickets to explore the two of you managed to get used to it. Entering the zoo after being held your tickets, Cate and yourself began to explore the estate of the zoo.

Looking at a sign reading "Zebras to the left, elephant to the left, llamas to the right, petting zoo to the left, food court head straight"

Looking at Cate "Wanna go to the petting zoo?!" You pleaded.— "Of course, lead the way" Cate giggled at your hyper-excitement.
Leading you both to the left side of the zoo and walking a good five or seven minutes you entered the petting zoo section.
        You instantly went to the baby pigs, good thing for you, you knew a bit of Malay and had a pleasant chat with a worker. You then received a baby pig, the worker told you she hasn't been fed and asked if you wanted to feed her. Normally she or any worker wouldn't allow it, but, she made an exception for you. Handing you a bottle of milk you headed to a haystack to sit on and started feeding the baby pig.

You looked up at Cate and cheesed at her, she chuckled at your cuteness pulling her phone out she clicked a few pictures which you posed for.
  After fifteen minutes of you and Cate in the petting zoo, you guys went to see the llamas.
Stopping to read a sign talking about the facts and natural habitat of the llamas, you and Cate enjoyed that something you loved to bond over. You loved growing your knowledge and learning new information.

Spending a good time at the llamas and looking all around the zoo, it was now nine pm.
Yourself and Cate began heading out with the others as it was coming to a close.

Spending your last night in Singapore, Cate and yourself walking and cracking jokes along the local streets.
   You entered a bar Cate entering right after you, you purchased a booth for yourself and Cate and a bottle of your favorite wine you wanted Cate to try.

"Mm, this is lovely" Cate hummed, the flavors lingering on her tongue.— " Now you know why it's my favorite. The flavors is so rich they did an amazing job processing this" You cheered sipping your glass of wine.

"Hmm, how about a toast?" Cate announced raising her glass. "To a romantic getaway" Cate cheered. You laughed and raised your glass clinking it with her own.


Cate's music box (Cate x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now