-23- 𝙰𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛

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A/n: I did my auditions!!! I was so nervous- You could hear the nerves when I had to do the singing portion😭🖐 anyways. This should be interesting enjoy your read!


Already in New York since the outbreak. You being driven to the 'Today show' studio; today was the day Cate and yourself were coming forward. You both swore to tell the truth and nothing but truth, even though the truth would most likely get you two to hell. Like you haven't already been there. By being completely honest.

Coming to a complete stop the door opened and you being escorted to a dressing a room to be held before it was airing time. Pacing the floor stressed and nervous because you've never done anything like this before. Yes, it was wrong to have an affair with Cate but love and fate has it ways. Just how fate has It's obstacle. It was almost like Romeo and Juliet.

The two being forbidden due to their families being house-held enemies, but; Snuck around and gotten married however. Many challenges came along. It's like that saying 'Star-crossed lovers'. Meaning it was due to fail, nevertheless it was quite half the opposite and half the truth.
Yes it had It's ups and downs. But the ups were the best. Cate and yourself just connected so innocently.

Cate walked over to you grabbing ahold of your hands. "Hey look at me" You did.

"It's okay, okay? I'm a bit nervous too, but, we got this. We can do this even if we do get shitted on by society or the whole damn nation. Who cares? We don't need them we have each other" God how could speak such affirming and confident words in a time like this? That was one of the many things you loved about the blonde;
She knew exactly what to say in situations like this sometimes you wished you did too. So she wasn't the one always doing the comforting.

"Yea we got this... Thank you" You flashed a smile. She brought you into a embrace. Just then the door opened with a knock. Walking side by side by the ever seemingly long hallway, making it upon the set. There were three chairs one away from the other two. There was Hoda ready to announce the both of you.

"Good morning, thank you for tuning in with me I'm Hoda Kotb and with all the speculations of this 'scandal' swarming around. Please welcome... Cate Blanchett and Y/f/l/n!"

"Go now!" A crew membered whispered, the two of you walked onto the stage. A few applauses being scattered throughout the audience. You got comfortable in your seats.

"Cate it's so lovely to see you again, I haven't seen you since the Ocean's 8 promo interview"

"All the same Hoda. I'm glad to see your mascara isn't running like last time" She pointed. Causing Hoda and the audience to laugh, even the crew members back set.

"Haha, and. Y/n it's an honor to see you"

"Me too" You flashed a smile.
Yes you've been on many shows— but this was a whole other level of stress and anxiety all you could feel was just the judgement. Surely Cate was having the same feelings, right?

"So getting to why you guys are here, this... Scandal" Throwing her hands up, elaborating more drama to her statement. Cate nodded.

"Getting to what to the world wants to know is... were you having an affair with— y/n during the period of being married to Mr. Upton?"

Silent fell. "... Yes, yes I was having an— affair" Cate spoke. Murmurs spread through the crowd rapidly instantly a pit filled your stomach. You glided your hands over to Cate's she took it instantly, you squeezed it.

"How did you guys— meet?"

"Uh, we met at a restaurant. She had returned my wallet after I had dropped it; and I invited her to brunch as a thank you." You replied.

Hoda only nodded. "Why did you have the affair Cate, that's if you don't mind me asking?"

The blonde turned to you, you nodded giving her the get go. "I simply fell in love. I don't know why I had the affair but it was something about her that pulled me towards her, gravitating to y/n. Me and my ex-husband had our hardships like any marriage, and I suppose being with y/n made me happier." Hearing her voice shutter as she explained.

"And y/n, why have the relationship with Cate. Knowing she was married."

"I... I don't know. All I can say is that I fell hard for her, I mean there's really no explanation for cheating or having an affair other than it just happened. It was a choice, a choice we both took upon. Was it wrong? Yes, 100% yes.
     But at the end of the day we're human and we fucked up, but if fucking up means finding the right person than I would rather fuck up a million times more just to be with her" You looked over at Cate, she flashed a heartfelt smile.

Silence once passed through the studio. "Well there you have it folks" Hoda announced and ended the interview.

Back at the dressing room, there was a knock at the door. Opening it Hoda walked through. "Hey, It was uh- lovely to see you two"

"As it was the pleasure to see you Hoda" You greeted her back, Cate was gathering her and yours belongings; She seemed almost stressed.

When Hoda left you walked over gently placing your hands on the shoulders of your counter-part. "Hey? Wanna sit down for a minute?" Rubbing the blonde's shoulder, she stopped her movements and sighed and nodded once— sitting with down her you took her hands.

"Hey look at me, please?" Asking since she was staring at the ground, when she did for the first time you saw her cry. She looked defeated, it broke your heart. For once you wanted to do the comforting and you did without a doubt or a choice. "What's wrong honey?" Your voice calm and tender. "I'm a horrible person Y/n!" A tear fell from her cheek, you reached a hand and wiped her tears.

If it was ordeal to say, you were feeling the same way. Even though you both loved each other dearly maybe there could've been a different pursuit of being with each other than having affair. Because of that the two of you are almost painted as bad people, why did love how to be so cruel.
"No you're not Cate. You're amazing okay? Fuck what the world thinks of us, was having the affair the wrong way to go of being together? Hell yeah, but when a person is in love they do shitty things, they fuck up. They make mistakes okay? Shit, I mean as I said there's no excuses for cheating or having an affair, but. We fucked up! And if fucking up means I get to spend my days with you till the end of time then I will continue to fuck up. Who cares about critics?! Were human like anyone else, not that I'm saying it's alright for what we did. But I fucking love you Cate! I love you, you have my validation okay? I love you" For once everything had bottled up, you said out loud.

This woman could run you through hell as many times and you would still love her. You never thought someone could have such an affect on you such as her. You been in different intimate relationships, but, this one was different. In this relationship with Cate intimacy didn't have to only contain sex. Shit you didn't even want her for sex you wanted her for her.

Being intimate with Cate was seeing her face, holding her hand feeling her face. Hearing her laughter, cuddling together, laughing. Being intimate was going on drive's with her, shopping with her, crying together, lying together and just holding hands. Being intimate with Cate was just being in her presence. Sex was only act, one that you loved? Liked? Yes! But just getting the chance to hold her was the intimacy.

Bring her into a embrace you held her, squeezing her tight. Whispering words of affirmation into her ear. "I love you, Cate"

" I love you too Y/n. Thank you, I mean it" Cate whispered, getting ahold of her composure.
The Australian pulled back. "Fuck the world?" You asked, smiling softly.

"Fuck it!" She cheered chuckling afterwards. You stood up and held a hand out. "Now, let's go and show the world we couldn't give one fuck of what they think of us" You debated.
Taking your hand she stood, again you forgot how tall the blonde was, making you snicker quietly. "Together, we got this" You pondered.

"Always together" Cate blissfully sympathised.


A/n: I'm sorry this one took forever, mental health can be a bitch- But here we go! I actually feel like I lost motivation coming to the end of this chapter. So I actually hope you like it 🥲

( If you made it this far be sure to share!)

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