Chapter Three: The Salvatore School

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RENESMEE AND HER FAMILY HAD JUST PASSED THE MYSTIC FALLS SIGN WHEN Selene asked her Aunt Alice - who was at the wheel - to stop the car near the forest. The blonde witch - who Renesmee thought was beautiful - stated that no one would see them shining in the sun and reciting a spell.

Her aunt responded to Selene's request and stopped the car, soon after making the rest of Renesmee's Family stop the second and third cars as well. They were all already inside the forest, when the witch asked her uncles where the box with the rings they would need.

Renesmee hadn't quite understood when Selene had said that the rings would have to have a blue stone called Lapis Lazuli, but luckily her family was rich, so it wasn't difficult to find a few rings with this stone.

The witch placed her body in a place where the sun shined and opened the box, making the sunlight go from. Renesmee and her family stood still, watching and listening as Selene spoke the words of the spell:

"Matere et solare tua virtus."

Soon after, the blonde came to meet the Cullen family, handing them the rings. The cold vampires placed it on their fingers, as they listened to Selene continuing to say some more things.

— As you can see, lackluster. — The witch replied, with the rings already on their fingers. — The spell lasts until the witch who cast it - in this case, myself - undoes it. — She explained, while the Cullens listened attentively. — Don't worry, I won't undo it anytime soon.

The whole family gave simple smiles in gratitude. Selene waved her hand for them all to get back on the road, this time only stopping when they reached their destination.

Her father was at the wheel, while her mother was at his side. Renesmee was in the back seats, next to Jacob and Selene. She would be lying if she said she wasn't suffering in anticipation.

Of course the girl would like to have more knowledge about the supernatural world in which she was involved. But she was also afraid if there would be many people with bad intentions and dubious, like the Volturi. Since that day on the battlefield, with dozens of witnesses willing to give their lives for her, everything had changed.

Of course she loved her family. They and Jacob were everything to her life. But the few years that she grew up and became a woman, it came full circle. They were the only people she spoke to. Afterwards, the brunette spent her time with books, played chess, played the piano, and spent the rest of the time in her room. She had no friends besides Jacob.

Jake was her best friend, but he wasn't a good example of coexist. He always protected her, even from a stone nearby her shoes. He wouldn't let her respond back to anyone. She herself had already said that he could get out more and meet someone interesting. But it never worked.

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