Jelous? (Hyunjin)

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(Tehehe I'm backkkkkk...)

The exchange of looks between the three of us, mainly the two Aussie males stood in front of me, made me feel somewhat uncomfortable as they just continuously smirked at each other. "The fuck is up with you two?!" I snicker, throwing my arms up in an attempt to get their attention. "Some little ferret dude just told me that he misses you " Felix sings in his slightly annoying but highly talented high-pitched voice (which I never knew he could make may I add), causing Chan to cackle, looking over at me with eyes and mouth wide open,
"Lies! If he did, only only if, don't you think he would tell me himself?" I sigh, throwing my body back onto Chan's couch. "Oh my gosh! That's it! I'll  gonna have to play hard to get, see how he likes it..." I sigh, watching the two in front of me giggle amongst themselves.
Surprisingly, it was my idea to drag them to the dance studio today. Do I dance? No.. will I fake it for attention? Maybe... but to there knowledge I just 'wanting to learn their new recent dances' it was mainly the excuse so that  I could get all of them there in one place, but have Hyunjin mentor me through it all, see I think about this stuff.
"Y/N, wanting to dance? This is a first," seungmin  scoffs, he laughs as I unexpectedly raise  a finger to his lips, hinting for him to, in the nicest way possible, shut the fuck up. "Yeah, it's really strange, unless she's trying to impress someone," Jeongin coos, getting up all up in my face tilting his head. I decided to play along with it, just to test Hyunjin's waters, to see if He reacts, I respond to Jeongin with a wink, "Maybe. Maybe it's you im try trying to impress you, who knows". My finger ran a trail down his chest, pushing him back, starting to get into this fake flirting thing as Jeongin cackles in a slight panic, wondering if this is a scheme but receiving the dirtiest looks from Hyunjin who pushes past him. Winking at Jeongin again at Hyunjins reaction, he can't help but internally laugh, covering his mouth in shock as he didn't think I knew about Hyunjins feelings towards me.
"What do you want to learn?" Hyunjin, with clear irritation in his voice scoffed, turning quickly on his heels to look in my direction. His resting face was normal, I seen it all the time after our break up but after that reaction to me flirting with Jeongin, it made my heart skip a beat or two.
"Uh... I- hmm..?" I struggle to get out an answer, "red lights" I say, forcing a soft smile just to continue to play this innocence card Iv got going on. "Oh, she's really going for it?" Minho perks up, making me rethink my choice.
"If we must. Red lights it is then," hyunjin sighs, taking his precious time heading over to the computer, flicking through the files to find the right track. In the time it takes him to do that, you look back at Chan and Felix who could barely hold it together, wanting to scream at the top of their lungs,
"Hyunjin and Y/N  do you still love each other!?" but they knew it was best not too, especially if they wanted to see the sunrise another day.
The intro started playing, the other members took their positions, while I  decide that I was going to observe for this one, see if I could naturally pick anything up from the dance, "I'Il observe for this one, see how much I remember, don't mess up," i giggle to myself, taking a seat in front of the guys, as they nod, ready to start once the intro replays. As I carefully watch, the minute Jeongin starts singing, i smirk and wink at him yet again, making sure that Hyunjin caught me in said act, watching his face turn sour, tongue in cheek out of annoyance. "Woah, you're all so good!" I clap,attempting to mimic the dance with my arms, making it look like I was at least trying to learn this dance.
The minute the song came to its end, I  give them a big round of applause, watching them all bow as if like muscle memory, all laughing, except one. Hyunjin just nods slightly, going back over to the computer, breathing heavily.
My eyes follow him, feeling heat gather between my legs. Wetness building, and he's barely done anything other than get annoyed. "He's getting jealous," Han mouthed over at me, covering the side of his face that hyunjin would be able to see, pointing to him, my cheeks turn red due to this new information. The plan in action was starting to work, but would it be in my favour at the end of it? or will it go south and he'd genuinely think I have a crush on his friend and don't have feelings for him or worse, that I never loved him? However, though that thought clouded my mind, there was just something that our shadowed it, the fact Hyunjin struggled to hide his annoyance that made it seem like it was going to be worth it.
"Now are you going to actually dance or what?" Hyunjin asks, not even looking at me, yet i rush to my feet, standing next to Jeongin, continuing on with my little antics, grabbing onto his arm, nudging him slightly as we both giggle at each other. "Right. Who's part you taking for this?" he asks, trying his absolute best to ignore you flirting. "Hans" i reply quickly, looking at him as he nods with a smile on his face, "I think that's fair, she should start some what easy" Han replies, nodding, knowing exactly

why I would choose it. He swapped places with me, taking a seat at the front where I previously was. I could yell Part of hyunjin wanted me to pick someone else's part but he agreed with Han, it was probably easier for me this way. "Right, Han, if you show Y/N how to start your part off we can continue"
Chan ran over to the set-up, starting the song off at a slower tempo, so Han could show me exactly how to do it. As he showed the steps, i copied to the best of my ability, hopefully impressing the others with how quickly i could pick it up. The song intro was repeated a few times, and the tempo put back to normal as my confidence rose, I even showed off a little, moving like how Han does for it. "Woah, she's already a pro, someone get jypapi!" Seungmin says, completely in hysterics but proud considering Han only showing me three times.
"Right, back to the slower tempo, let's get into position," Hyunjin sighs, stepping in front of me, giving me a dark glare, with a curl on the corner of his lips for the first time since Iv  been in the room with him. Attempting to keep the cool with how he was staring me down, i look at Han for reassurance, "You've got this," he shouts over the music, causing a smile.

Right so.. I have the flu and have nothing to do so here I am. Part 2 coming

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