Jealous? (Hyunjin pt2)

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Once the music started playing, I spying sent a wink at Hyunjin, completely catching him off guard, throwing him a million miles off almost guard, as if instantly. Nobody. Nobody ever thought THE Hwang hyunjin could loose track so soon into choreography, clearly making him irritated as his arms flew back to his waist. "Restart it! Fuck sake" he shouts, sending a clear side-eye in my direction, avoiding my eye contact as he got back into position. With the music restarting, I managed to whisper to him as I pushed past, getting back into position. "You're so sexy when you're irritated. Careful you might make me wet". That immediately made him realise my intentions, flirting with the others to get him annoyed, now even was more pissed off with how much I was benefitting from it. I continue on with the choreography, as if nothing left my lips, gaining "Woah" and "Ah's" from my friends, evidentially impressed. Of course, I wasn't going to be perfect but I can sure try, missing out on a few steps here and there but managing to get back into it.
"She's said something to him, that's now, he's so agressive with his movements" Chan whispers to Felix, going off to the side to let the others dance, "Of course she did, she's testing him. Not really, how did she word it? playing hard to get though is she." he replies, amused at the obvious fact of how I really couldn't compose myself around him. Getting halfway through the song, I realised that i needed to purposely mess up somewhere, just to get him to stop and show you, "Shit!" faking the stumble in my current steps, falling too my butt, giggling. " whoops, sorry," i say softly, looking up at Hyunjin, a smirk plastered upon my lips, making him through his head back in frustration and exhaustion. "We'll continue after I get water," he growls, storming out of the room, causing everyone's faces to drop. The door slams behind him,
"Oof, mr cranky pants. Y/n.What have you done now?" Jeongin giggles, teasing me as I wink at him, running out of the room to follow said cranky pants. The minute the door closes behind me, I began scanning the corridor, hoping to see him walk around the corner, but i'd lost him the minute i got out. Taking this as a chance to find him, i walked up the corridor, getting yanked by the arm into a room I didn't recognise. "What are you playing at?" Someone growls, locking the door behind him and flicking the light on. I looked back at him, doe-eyed, playing my innocence as i shrug, "I don't know what you're talking about jinnie," i reply softly, swaying on my heels, hands clasped in front at my stomach, "Oh, really?" he replies, voice softer but still unimpressed as an eyebrow raises. "Of course, I'm not doing anything. Just trying to dance," vocalising my answer, smirking as i stepped towards him, looking up into his eyes, licking my lips lightly. Next thing, i was pressed against the wall, with barely any space between myself and this large...god in front of me "I saw you flirting with Jeongin I'm not blind y/n, and quite frankly. it's frustrating," his breath soft on my face despite how he felt. "I wasn't flirting! Wait.. why does it bother you so much? It's not like we're together anymore?" I pry, trying my absolute best to not crumble under him, testing my limits with how far I could take this but his face suddenly turns dark at your response, "Oh, really?" he repeats, practically spitting the words in my face. "Well maybe if you weren't too bloody busy flirting with my best friend," he adds, making my eyes fly wide open, hoping this is the moment he confesses.
"I- I wasn't flirting." was all my brain could come up with to defend myself but the way he grabbed onto my waist caught me way off guard, "You should still be mine, you know that? Fuck sake y/n, You ARE mine," he growls again in my ear, my core soaking at this point, making the urge to kiss him hard to resist.Fighting the urge to do it himself, he pulls back, "It was clear that you were doing it to irritate me, and well it worked, you happy?" he asks, eyes low, looking down at me, watching me slowly crumble apart, scoffing at the sight. I couldn't even reply, looking away from him, I stood defeated. I didn't know how to react, I really didn't think this through or even think that this would be the possible consequence of my actions. "Look At Me, dammit!" he hisses, pinching my chin, forcing my head up to look into his eyes, making my heart sink into my stomach, "I didn't-" i whimper, a hand
flying up to my cheek as he caresses it softly, contradicting the dark, lustful eyes on his face. "You happy now? got me all worked up... tested my patience... all because you wanted me, is that right?" he whispers, face inching closer to my lips, millimetres apart. "I-" i could barely speak, getting called out by him was bad enough but the way i just wanted to rip all of his clothes off here and now was even worse.
Unable to fight back the urge, i threw myself at him, pressing my lips against his, earning a satisfying low groan from him as he bit my lip, pushing his tongue through my lips into my mouth, kick-starting a heated kiss. "I wonder how long you've wanted to do that, huh?" he teases, pulling away for a split moment before I try pull him back in, "Shut up," i hiss, the addiction I once had returning almost instantly with how his lips felt against my own. "Do you really want though? Besides, look at you trying to be in control when you've already wound me up this much?" he growls, his hand lowering from my chin to my throat, holding it firmly as I gulped hard. He doesn't realise how much control he really has over me, even before this, now he's showing who's really going to be in charge, it really made my mind race with so many dirty thoughts that'll make a nun blush.
Before I knew it, his hands were wandering up my top and with a quick finger motion, my bra was loosened, completely allowing him have access to the breasts it once contained. The way he kneaded them in his hands caused me to whimper a little into the kiss, making him get all smug and smirk about it, " As If you still react like this to
my touches. Only God knows how you're going to be when I fuck you senselessly," he scoffs, biting his lip, watching how I unfold under his grasp, a hand moving from my breast down to my clothed core, barely touching it. "Fuck." I whimper, knowing full well that I weren't going to be able to concentrate on anything other than the words 'Fuck you senselessly'.
"Look how hungry you are for me. Daddy's good girl aren't you, baby?" he continues, carefully watching my face screw at the words, whimpering as I push against him, pulling at his shirt, indicating at how much I needed it off. "You're going to have to use your words," he growls, pressing a finger hard against my aching core, but not moving it, completely having me under his spells. Though I don't listen to him, yearning to be touched, to have him inside of me asap. "Words. Now. Or have you forgotten your manors?," he hisses, closing the space between us, and the wall, kissing down my cheek, and down my neck. "I want you to..urgh.. fuck... me..," I reply breathlessly, struggling to get my
words out. "Say please!" his words down my ear sends a shiver down my spine, making me pulse around nothing. It took a moment to even comprehend how dominant hyunjin is being. "Hyun... please... Please!" I cry out, I can tell he's amused at how easily he still has me wrapped around his finger, "Good girl," he chuckles, pulling down my tracksuit bottoms, underwear following "Turn around,darling" he orders, bending me over the table that stood next to us.
"Now you're going to have to be quiet for me, baby. Can you do that?" he asks, and I just nod in reply, biting down hard on lip, unable to anticipate whats coming. The sound of him unzipping his jeans sends slight panic through me making me shiver. The excitement and anticipation creeping through my skins.
Before he even does anything else, he caresses my ass cheeks, admiring the view in front of him, unable to hold himself back from the urge to keep his promise from earlier. Those words coming back to min, 'fuck you senselessly'
He teases his tip at my entrance, covering himself in my juices, groaning to himself at how wet i was for him. Hearing my muffled whimpers, he can't hold back any longer, lining up his tip to my hole, slowly pushing in, making me cry into the table from him stretching me out. "Fuck..." i hiss, as he fills me up completely, pulsating around his cock as he slowly starts to thrust in and out, the lewd sounds to follow barely fill the room, worried we were going to get caught.

"What did I just say baby? I'm going to have to stop if you don't listen" he grunts as he slows down his pace, "I'm sorry... I'll try harder," I whimper, trying to focus on keeping quiet though that was a major struggle once he started to pick up his pace again, his hips smacking against the skin of my ass. From the anticipation and the way he had me all worked up from the minute he started getting irritated in the studio, i was closer than I thought to my release. The way he handles me doesn't help in the slightest, him knowing exactly how to treat me.
Though I really couldn't think much of that as my vision goes blurry and my legs start to shake, "Hyun ... I'm gonna..." I whimper as quiet as possible, as he bends over slightly, grabbing a fist full of my luscious locks, pulling me back into him as he continues to thrust into me harshly, sending me over the edge as i reach my desired orgasm. It didn't take long for him to follow, his thrusts start to become slower and more choppy as he began to twitch, the tiniest moans and grunts falling from his lips, a slightly louder one when he pulls out.
"On your knees," he orders, and of course I obey, falling to them after turning to him, mouth agape ready to catch all his warm juices, flowing down the back of my tongue as he pumps every last drop. His head thrown back in pleasure, biting his lip as I lick his tip, taking him fully to suck on his cock, letting him come down from his orgasm slowly. "Fuck, your mouth is so fucking good baby" he groans, gently caressing my head as I pull away, a string of saliva following, smiling innocently at him, swallowing every last drop. "You dirty girl" he groans, helping me to my feet, knees cracking in the process from being on the floor, helping as I pull my underwear and trousers back up.
"Well... I guess this would be a good time to tell you that of course I still love you," I giggle through my long breaths, earning the softest smile from him, cupping my cheeks, kissing the tip of my nose. "Why else would you purposely irritate me, hmm?" he asks, tilting his head with a cocky tone in his voice, smirking at me.


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