The Treasure Returns to the Place She Was Found

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Please check out my other story about Game of Thrones, their is multiple love interest and not all at once. Your Opinions would be very much appreciated

Valyrian Dictionary:

Kepa- Father

Kepus- Uncle

Prumia/Prūmia- Heart

Muna/Muña- Mother

Mandia- Older Sister (Only Rhaenyra is called that)

Valonqar- Younger Brother


bold = Valyrian

Rheaella's P.O.V.

As I fly closer to Runestone I command Viserion to fly faster. I have to get there, I have to know what happened, I have to know the truth of it all.

I wanted to know if what Daemon said was true and to do that I have to go to Runestone, to Lord Regent Gerold Royce.

Upon landing on the hillside close to Runestone, I get to admire the large castle and its lands as I walk to the entrance of the keep.
Runestone was the home to the Bronze Kings of the First Men, where they wore bronze armor and a runic crown, they treat men and women equally in this part of the Vale, the histories show that its kings ruled for many many years and would only bow to the House of Arryn when the Andals attacked and all the houses of the First Men in the Vale came under the Arryn king. Thus House Royce remained a loyal house to the Vale and the Arryns, and when the Arryns bowed to the Targaryens, so did the Royce. There words are 'WE REMEMBER' and their sigil is black iron studs on a bronze field, with the border being made of runes.

I always thought it weird how much kepa and muna, no, the king and queen wanted me to learn of all the houses, especially in the Vale, because at the time I thought it to be because their were problems with the lands, but I guess the true answer is that they wanted me to know my history, my true family's history. I guess part of me is Targaryen, but the other half is part of the First Men blood, but not the one I thought. On my name days I would receive various bronze gifts and jewels and books from the House of Royce I just thought that they wished me well, and when they were the first to get back with me about the money for the school, I thought they were eager to help the children of King's Landing, because I did put in the letters that I would later put schools and learning centers in each major city throughout Westeros.

When I arrive at the main gate the guards dressed in bronze bow "My princess, are you alright?" I can see him eyeing the blood on my nightgown.
"It is not mine good Sers, but I am here to speak to your Lord Gerold Royce, would you mind taking me to him, please." The guard opens the gate and one of them walks in front of me, taking me to the opening of the keep. Once I walk into the Great Hall where the throne sits, the guard tells me to wait here.
I take a moment to look around what should have been my home in wow, everything is covered in runes all meaning different things. I recognize the runes of power, protection, and loyalty, the rest are a stranger to me.

"Lord Gerold Royce, Regent to Runestone." I look to the door, and once Lord Gerold sees me he freezes, the room echos in silence causing me to hear him whisper Rhea.

"My Lord may I present to you Princess Rheaella, third born daughter to King Viserys and the Rider of Viserion, the Realm's Treasure." Lord Royce raises his hand and waves it at the knight.

"You are dismissed Ser Rhon. I am guessing that since you are here that you know of Rhea and your birth." I nod my head slowly. "Why are you covered in blood child, are you okay."

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