Ninjas or Celestials

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Theron POV 

Morro lead us to chase after the Destiny's Bounty which had a few of the Ninja on it. I ran along the forest, I had caught the scent of the Bounty an hour ago. 

The scent got stronger, I could pick up individual scents of the people on board. There were two Ninja, the nindroid, the water girl, the Baby Master, a couple of SOG members, including the crazy purple girl, and the large guy. They both had Oni Masks, if we took them and used them against them. We could crush them easily anyway, but they would feel defeated. 

I neared the ship and let out a roar, there were no other beings in the area to hider our attack. Morro, Kiki, and Aranea flew out from the trees, surrounding the ship. Aranea swooped down and grabbed me from the forest floor, soaring up and dropping me on the edge of the ship. I landed in a crouch, as multiple gaspes came from the sips occupants. 

Kiki landed on the front of the ship with a thud, leading to screaming and terror. Even after knowing her, her Element was still Nightmare. Aranea perched on the sails of the ship, starring down at the SOG with faers multiple eyes. Morro swooped down and turned into his hybrid form, standing by the steering wheel. 

"Morro?" The question came from both the Ninja, tied to the mast. 

"Hahaha!" A manic laugh echoed from the Wind Master. "Well if it isn't the little water Ninja, you should crawl back to the ocean where you belong. You can't hurt me with your water anymore, I've been freed from the Preeminent." His words slowly got louder and more crazed as he talked. I knew that Morro as crazy as he was talking, but then again these people tried to kill him. 

Looks of dread crossed the faces of the Ninja. The Oni Mask holders gained their confidence and donned their masks. Battle cries echoed from each of them as they charged a different person, the purple one charged at Morro, the big one came at me, the rest went after Aranea. No one dared to go near Kiki, she was literally their Nightmares. 

Morro sighed, "We didn't come here for you, Kiki" he called out. 

Kiki charged right at the purple one, knocking her to the ground. 

I side stepped the large one and swatted him right off the Bounty, he began floating back up, using the mask. I smirked, a fight! I pounced right on him as he neared the ship, pinning him to the side. My Element added to make me the best predator for what I was fighting, in this case, allowed me to walk on the side of the ship. 

My paw alone was the size of his chest, why he picked a fight with me I have no idea. With him pinned he could do literally nothing, then I moved out of the way; a tree impaled the Mask holder. Killing him instantly. Blood stained my claws and splatter my face. I changed form and hopped on the tree impaling the strong man. Not a fair fight in any way. 

I grabbed the Mask of Deception from the dead man's body, and jumped up to the top of the ship. I surveyed what had happened. Blood stained the floor of the Bounty, and the dragons on the ship had returned to their hybrid forms, still covered in blood. Kiki stood with the mask of Revenge. 

Morro held baby Wu by the back of his shirt, looking disgusted he handed the baby to Aranea. Fae was the only one that knew how to look after a baby. 

We all looked down at the two remaining people alive, the Ice Elemental and the Water Elemental. 

"How are we going to take them?" I asked Morro. Who glared at the two evilly. 

He responded in a snarl, "Unconscious." 

"But why keep us alive?" The Ice Master asked. "It makes no logical sense." 

"The Prince needs you alive," Kiki snarled from behind them, causing them to shiver. She came around in front of them and grabbed their heads, "Goodnight!" She said it in a singsong voice, but it still sounded like a voice in your Nightmares. 

They both slumped over, unconscious. I grabbed the Ice Elemental, while Kiki grabbed the Water Elemental. Kiki and I gave the Masks to Morro, who would put them in the safe. Only he and Lloyd knew where the safe was. 

"Lets go," Morro called out, changing the trajectory of the ship, heading straight to Ninjago City. Where it would sent a message to the rest of the City, the Ninja were failing them. 

They took off and sped towards the Mountain, as I ran after them with the Ice Nindroid in tow. 

Neo POV 

Morro's group headed out to catch the Ninja and we headed after the Celestial Boys. The only thing is that there in my hometown of Direfall, that stupid town of traditional people; they hated change. They lived in their own little world, cut off from the rest of Ninjago. Direfall was on the opposite side of the Wailing Alps, long the coastline and out of the way of the snow. 

An hour later I stood just outside the boundaries of the town. 

I hate this place.

"Everyone split up and look around, call out if you hear or see the Sun or Moon boys," Khamari, Mari called out from in front of us. 

Everyone went in different directions, I took the center of the town. The town fountain of a Sea Dragon being killed with a spear stood strong. There was the second reason I hated this place: they kill dragons and worship the Oni like gods. 

I jumped up to the top of the fountain, crouching right on top of the hunter's head. Gasps of shook and indignation came from the townspeople. Luckily no had figured out who I used to be, it would be really hard to, considering how different I was now, but I knew if my mother saw me she would. 

I saw a dark haired boy and a blonde boy the right age running down an alley, I jumped down and went after them. 

"I see them both heading east towards the sea side from the town-" I stopped before I could finish. There in front of me stood my mother, the years had been kind on her, unlike her. Her black curls had a few grey streaks in them, and the wrinkles around her pale skinned face stood out a little. 

"Where do you think your going Olivia!" Her shrill voice echoed, there it was, Olivia. How I hate that name, after years of not hearing it, it stung. It felt like having my heart torn out of my body. 

Aww my poor little trans boy, I'm sorry to do this to you little Neo. Poor boy. Anyway the some people died some were kidnapped, now we're into childhood trauma. Sorry any Trans people reading, love you guys! Heart to you. 

Peace Out! 

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