Black and Mint

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Cole POV 

Lloyd began chanting in Draconic both haunting and strong, the words began coursing through my body, the liquids mixing and changing something in my body. Then auras began swirling around the air, encompassing the whole circle, blurring the view of Lloyd and Morro. 

Everything outside the circle disappeared, the only visible the thing the two different auras. The auras begin to blend together and it felt as if something was ripped out of my body, and it was. A black, glowing sphere and a mint glowing sphere came out of my body, leaving me feeling empty. They were drawn together and began fusing, turning a black-mint. The sphere floated there for a second, then shot straight into my chest, almost knocking me down to the ground. 

My body began changing, pain covering my whole body. It lasted for what felt like hours, it became to much for me to handle, I passed out. Fading out of the black-mint glow. (the colour code is: #354e46) 

When I woke I was surprised to find the chains gone from my arms, the auras gone, the dragons gone, and Morro crouched beside Lloyd protectively, who was only half awake and pale. Whatever he did to me took a lot out of him. 

I tried to get up off the floor only to find a weight one my back pulling me back, falling over I squawked in surprise only to sound like a growling yelp. Looking behind me I found two sets of wings, one set slightly back from the other. The first set was pure black with a dark brown membrain, the second set was bone-like and the mint membrane was covered in a ghost aura. Two tails twitched behind me like they were in shock that they existed. They were both around the same length. One was black with dark brown plates and and warm brown underbelly, it ended with a grey-brown spikes. The other tail was made of bone, and covered in spikes and mint aura. Long bone spikes went up my back and I could feel them around my head, it went around my head like a crown. Fangs poked around in my mouth and claws dug into my palms as I curled my hands. My arms were covered in bone spikes and longer than the were before. 

Going into a crouch, I balanced carefully. "What did you do?" It came out strained, but like the hybrids around here, distorted and growling.  

Morro stood up and reached out a hand to Lloyd, who accepted it and stood up as well. Lloyd soke, sounding a little tired, but still distorted, "You are what we are, dragon hybrids. As shocking as this may be for you, I am the Prince of both Oni and Dragon. With this title allows me to do is change Elemental Masters into forms similar to their Dragon Element embodiment. Now you had two Elements, which is something that I haven't seen yet."

"What do you mean I had two Elements?"I questioned Lloyd he was making no sense, what was all this about being a Prince? And about me having two Elements? 

Morro snarled at me, "If you would listen, you would understand. Now stop interrupting!"

"Yes, please be quiet," I had opened my mouth to retort back to the villain, but Lloyd's words held a certain authority. Knowing this he continued talking, while pacing around the room. "You had the two Elements: Earth and Ghost, which is why you were able go from being a ghost to being a human. Now why I say had is because I took your Elements a fused them together, which is the orbs you saw, but now the separate Elements will go to another person; someone will become the Elemental Master of Earth and the Elemental Master of Ghosts. Now what I have planned for you and the rest of the Elemental Master is.... for you to find out," He smiled unkindly down at me, where I still rested in a crouch, afraid that if I stood up I would fall over. "Now you will stay in the Mountain, you will not hurt any of the hybrids or dragons living at the Mountain, and under no circumstances are you to go to the dungeons." His words were a command, "Now go," 

I nodded slightly and scampered off on all fours, it just felt more comfortable. As I left I heard them talking in hushed whispers, but I was unable to hear what they were saying. I slowly stood up normally. The walls seemed to move, and they threw me out into a large cavern filled with caves and a door to the outside. 

Three young boys ran around giggling and running away from another hybrid. They were spider-like and ran after them, they had long dark green hair and four silver eyes. One boy had very pale skin and dark hair, another had blonde hair and tanned skin and the last one had fair skin and blonde hair. None of the boys were hybrids

The tanned boy squealed, "Look! Another hybrid. Get him!" The three boys changed course and headed straight at me, before I could do anything about it they were right in front of me. 

They hit me with enough force to knock over a normal person, but it hardly affected me. They were shocked at the set back of not knocking me straight to the ground. 

The dark haired boy glared at me from where he stood balanced on my shoulder, "Fall over, hybrid. Or else we will force you over!" His voice was fierce, despite his small size. 

I looked at the boys playfully, "No, I refuse to fall over," The boys looked at me like I was crazy not to fall over, but then they all hopped off of me. 

They stood in a row facing me, then I was blasted over by an Elemental force form each of the boys. 

"Oof!" I ended up on the floor in a matter of moments, the boys standing over me, proud they had made me fall over. 

They all began laughing, in triumph. The fair skinned blonde boy spoke, "You have been bested by the Element of the Sun!" He pointed at the tanned boy, smiled brightly. "The Element of the Moon!" He pointed at the pale boy who smirked darkly.  "And me the Elemental Master of Creation!" 

They all spoke together, "You can't defeat us!" They laughed happily, before they were each wrapped in threads. 

"Boys!" An angry voice yelled behind them, "You can't just attack anybody you want, especially new hybrids," The treads came from the hybrid who was chasing the boys. "I'm Aranea, I go by fae/faer. Nice to meet you," Fae smiled brightly despite holding the struggling boys in the air. 

"I'm Cole, I go by he/him. Nice to meat you too. I'm the Elemental Master of Earth and Ghosts, since I guess that's important around here." I sighed this was going to take some getting used too. 

"Oh yea, I guess it is. I'm the Master of Threads, as you can see," Fae gestured at the boy who were still in threads. "I'll show you your room, it's on the second level. Can you fly yet?" Aranea questioned. 

I shrugged, "I have no idea, I haven't even tried yet." 

"Well let's find out!" Faer voice was cheerful. 

My one set of wings was stronger than the other and it kept throwing me off, Aranea was really helpful and we eventually made it to my room. It was on of the many cave lining the main room, it was really warm and set in warm browns and light mint colours. The most interesting part was the one section of wall covered in jutting rocks, which made shelves in on the wall. And the weapons rack on the other wall. 

I curled up on the surprisingly soft bed, realising how exhausted I was, I passed almost instantly. 

Lloyd POV 

Cole was the first dual Master I've found, his second Element could be quite useful to us. I just had to train himin how to use it, but now I have to find the Elements again. The Earth Master should be easy to find, I just have to look for earthquakes and the like. The Ghost Master is gonna be hard to find. Wren and Theron could find them no problem and Bekura and Morro could the new Earth Master easily. But we have work to do for now. 

"Morro, could you bring me the Lightning Master. I'll save the Fire Master for last, let him wait as his friends are dragged away," Morro laughed, but nodded and went off to get him. 

Hope you guys like it, this has become my favorite story to write so far. Glad people are reading it. 

Peace out! ;) 

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